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This is how you get started



It’s very important that you order your student card as soon as possible. When you order your student card, you will receive your exam number, which you will need to access the IT services of the University of Southern Denmark.

As a student at The University of Southern Denmark, you have access to the IT services of the University of Southern Denmark, including your student e-mail address, the Student Self Service portal and the e-learning platform itslearning

We will send you an e-mail with information on the IT services of the University of Southern Denmark and on the access to these services to the e-mail address that you stated on your application. If you did not receive the e-mail within 1 week, please contact

On SDU's digital platform you’ll find book lists for all of the subjects you will be taking in the upcoming semester. The book lists are often not released until just before the start of the semester.

Ask your lecturer for advice
It is always a good idea to ask your lecturers for advice on which literature you must make a priority to buy and which literature is considered to be of secondary importance and which you may not necessarily need to buy.

SDU has it's own bookstore
The university has its own bookstore. Sometimes you may also be able to borrow the books you need from the library, or buy them used from older students or at  

If you did, what to do next depends on whether you completed your previous study programme or not.

Did you not complete your bachelor/professional bachelor programme?

If you were previously admitted to a bachelor/professional bachelor programme and you did not complete it, you must apply for a credit transfer. This means that the courses which you have previously passed can be included in your new study programme, reducing the length of your new study programme proportionally.

Did you complete your bachelor/professional bachelor programme?

If you have previously completed a bachelor/professional bachelor programme, you may apply for credits.
Read about the rules and deadlines: 

As a student at the University of Southern Denmark, you are responsible for keeping yourself updated on the rules of examinations, including exam registration and deregistration. You must know all applicable regulations and the university’s requirements for academic practice in relation to exam assignments. Read more about general examination regulations.

Do you know what student activity means?

As a university student, you must register for courses and exams yourself and you must pass a specific amount of ECTS every year. Please be aware that you do not have to register for your courses for the first semester of your bachelor. In addition to this, you must also complete your study programme within a specific period of time, and there are clearly defined rules for leaves of absence, among other things. Knowing the rules and keeping yourself updated on the university’s rules on student activity is your obligation. Read more about student activity.

Do you have a permanent physical disability or a mental disorder, which requires special support in relation to completing a university study programme, you can apply for Special Educational Support (SPS).

Let us help you find accommodation in your city of studies. Read more about accommodation