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The novel coronavirus

All COVID-19 restrictions at SDU to be lifted from 1 February

All of the current restrictions with corona pass, virtual exams, protective equipment and the call for working from home at universities will be lifted when 1 February 2022 rolls around.

As presented at a press briefing Wednesday night, the Epidemic Committee of the Danish Parliament has decided to follow recommendations to lift all COVID-19 restrictions. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research has notified all of Denmark’s higher education institutions that, as of Tuesday 1 February, the current recommendations and restrictions will come to an end.

COVID-19 is no longer classified as a socially critical disease and it will no longer be necessary to organise the teaching into permanent teams, reschedule exams to online format, cancel major social events, work from home, use face coverings or visors on SDU’s campuses, or have a valid corona pass when attending the University in person. This means we can now ‘reboot’ the study environment and get off to a good start to the new semester.

At SDU, we will continue to follow the sound principles that have guided the University’s epidemic management since March 2020: caution, inclusiveness and trust. We hope that staff and students will continue to follow these principles and exercise common sense in the way that you have done throughout the pandemic. This is important as we are still seeing significant infection rates in society.

What should I do if I become infected?

If you come down with coronavirus within the next few weeks, you are encouraged to notify your fellow students, lecturers or colleagues so we can take affair and get everyone tested quickly and thus limit the spread of infection.

You are also encouraged to follow the recommendations of the authorities, which are available at:

Thank you for your efforts

Please allow me to extend a huge thanks to our staff and students for your massive efforts during the long lockdown, which has lasted more or less for the past two years. Let us now enjoy a normalised everyday life at the University and in Denmark.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Buchvald Vind
University Director

Novel coronavirus

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Editing was completed: 28.01.2022