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Driving directions

Alsion is located in the center of Sønderborg, right next to the water and the bridge of Christian X.

If you are comming from the North: 

Get off Highway 45 by using exit towards Sønderborg
Run towards Sønderborg on Highway 8
Use exit 10 towards Aabenraa / Sønderborg V
Take the first exit at the roundabout towards Sønderborg V.
Turn left at Dybbølgade

If you are comming from the south - the Danish / German border

Take exit towards Sønderborg from E45 motorway
Drive towards Sønderborg on Highway 8
Use exit 10 towards Aabenraa / Sønderborg V
Take the first exit at the roundabout towards Sønderborg V.
Turn left at Dybbølgade

If you have crossed the Danish / German border in Kruså

Turn right at the next traffic light towards Sønderborg
After approximately 30 km. turn right towards Dybbøl

Last Updated 05.12.2023