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+10 ECTS Programme

+ 10 ECTS Programme

The +10 ECTS programme September – December 2019 offers additional master classes, individual research and a study tour to Stockholm. 


This programme is dedicated to students who want to pursue further research. In addition to the 20 ECTS programme, the +10 ECTS programme includes:

Master Classes

Three Master classes on design in research – and how it may relate to your own field of study.

Individual Research

Find your own field of interest and conduct your individual research with coaching support from one of the three professors. 

Study Tour

Join us on a trip to Stockholm to discuss ‘New Nordic Design Thinking’ with businesses and universities.


A talent programme is extra-curricular, meaning that the credit you earn is on top of regular studies. To earn a distinction, Bachelor students must complete 30 ECTS, Master students 20 ECTS on top of their ordinary programme. Students must also complete the programme on time. In any event you will get a diploma added to your graduation certificate.

Please find the preliminary +10 ECTS course curriculum here


Last Updated 18.09.2020