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Illness and exams

How you report sick depends on whether you fall ill before or during the exam. Read about the different ways and requirements for documentation here:

How to document your illness 

It is your own responsibility to obtain and pay for the preparation of documentation of your illness. You must contact your doctor as soon as possible so your doctor can document that you were ill on the day of the exam.

The documentation can be a doctor’s certificate, a specialist certificate, a statement from a licensed psychologist or a statement from a hospital.  

How we process your notification of illness 

When you apply to be deregistered from an exam due to illness, there is no guarantee that your application will be approved and that your exam attempt will be cancelled. SDU will process your application based on an assessment of your specific application and documentation. 

If your application is approved, you are not guaranteed exemption from other requirements of your study programme regarding e.g. study activity requirements and the deadline for completing your degree.  

SDU does not take into account any consequences for your State Education Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) if you are deregistered from the exam. It is your own responsibility to check whether your SU changes. 

Documentation on Illness on Engineering Programmes

If you are certainty that you cannot sit an exam, it is crucial to inform your examiner and exam administrator via e-mail, so they can make the necessary arrangements.

When applying for dispensation due to illness, you must provide medical documentation that includes the following details:

  1. Diagnosis (if possible),  
  2. A brief description of the course of treatment,
  3. Evidence of a temporal connection between the period of illness and the specific circumstances for which you are requesting dispensation. It is important that the doctor indicates whether you were examined before the date for the documentation was issued,
  4. A description of how the illness has affected or is affecting your capability to study during the relevant semesters.



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Last Updated 09.09.2024