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First-Year Examination

If you started your bachelor’s programme in 2016 or 2017, you must pass the exams that the first-year examination comprises within the first year to continue your programme. If your started your programme in 2015 or before, you must check your  curriculum, to see whether you have one or two years to complete the first-year examination.

Regardless of whether you have one or two years to complete the first-year examination, you must have taken part in all the exams within the first year of study. 

If you do not complete the first-year examination within the required either one or two years, the university will send a message to your student e-mail telling you that you will be withdrawn from your programme.

Subjects comprising the First-year Examination

Check your curriculum to see which courses comprise the First-year Examination and when the exams are.

If you fail subjects from the First-Year Examination

It is important that you focus on passing the First-year Examination within the deadline. If you fail courses that are part of the First-Year Examination, you must make sure to sign up for the exams again. It is your responsibility to sign up for re-exams.

You have either 2 or 3 examination attempts to pass the courses in the First-Year Examination, depending on whether the courses are on the autumn or spring semester and whether you have one or two years to pass the First-Year Examination.

If you have one year to pass the First-Year Examination:

Subjects in the First-year Examination on the autumn semester
You have 3 examination attempts to pass the courses on the autumn semester. The first examination attempt is in December/January, the 2nd examination attempt (re-exam) in February and the 3rd and final examination attempt is in June.

Subjects in the First-year Examination on the spring semester
You have 2 examination attempts to pass the courses on the spring semester. The first examination attempt is in May/June, the 2nd examination attempt (re-exam) is in August.

If things do not go according to plan

You may, however, apply to postpone the deadline for completing the First-Year Examination. A postponement may be granted only if you are able to document that due to exceptional circumstances, it has been impossible for you to complete the First-Year Examination within the deadline. To apply for postponement you must make an  application for dispensation (exemption).

Talk to a Student Guidance Counsellor
Before submitting the application, you may get in touch with the Student Guidance Service. The guidance counsellors will be able to help you get an overview of your situation, and may also assist you in drawing up a plan for the remainder of your programme.



Subjects comprising the First-year Examination

See which courses comprise the First-year Examination

Read more

Last Updated 31.08.2022