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Written campus-based exams

What is meant by written campus-based exams?

A written campus-based examination is characterised by your physical attendance at a predetermined place and time where you will, under supervision, be assigned a task that must be completed and submitted by you alone within a given time frame. All written campus-based examinations are undertaken on your own computer, unless you have been informed otherwise in the supplementary materials  for your examination.


Use of IT-equipment during the written campus-based examination

You need to use your own computer and accordingly need to check - no later than one week before the exam- whether it can access SDU’s wireless network (Eduroam), and whether it can launch the programs to be used in the examination in question (e.g. Exam Monitor, Exam 4, Respondus Lockdown).

In case of problems, please contact your local IT-departmentStudent Services or IT-services at or at 65 45 29 90

Certain exams may require the drawing of graphs, equations, written characters etc. which are easiest done by hand. This requirement will be made clear in the information given during the course. It might be a requirement that you digitalise your signature. We recommend acquiring a digital pen or hand-held scanner for this purpose.


Before your written campus-based examination begins

  1. Unless you have been told otherwise, you need to show up an hour before your written campus-based examination begins. If you arrive after the door has been closed, you will not be let in, unless the person respnsible for the examination allows you. Note! You will not receive additional time for the examination if you arrive late.
  2. Remember your student card. Before the exam begins, you must identify yourself by means of your student ID (Student Card) so that the invigilators can register your attendance. During the examination, the student card must be placed visibly on the desk. If you have forgotten your student card or if your card has been damaged, you can go to Student Services to have a new one printed out.
  3. If the examination is without aids, coats and bags/ brief cases are placed out of reach.
  4.  You are only  allowed to carry with you and use one computer and one monitor (the total number of monitors cannot exceed one), unless otherwise is specified.
  5. The use of virtual computers is not allowed. 
  6. Mobile phones, digital watches/smartwatches, iPods and other music players cannot be used during the examination and need to be handed in to the invigilator, unless otherwise indicated.
  7. Equipment, such as iPads and tablets, which cannot run on Exam Monitor, are not allowed to be used, unless otherwise indicated.
  8. When you arrive at the examination room, you need to set up your computer and make sure that it works. You are responsible for setting up your computer. If you need to use Exam Monitor, Exam4, Respondus Lockdown or itslearning, you need to start them up and make sure that they work. At each desk there is a power outlet (230 v) for a three-point plug; you should bring an extension chord with a length of at least 3 meters. Sharing equipment is not permitted.

    If Exam Monitor is used during the examination, you need to start Exam Monitor on your computer before the examination begins and at the latest when the invigilators ask you to do so. Before the examination begins, you need to show the invigilators that Exam Monitor is running on your computer.

    Setting up IT-equipment in the examination room needs to be finished at least 15 minutes before the examination begins.

  9. The doors to the hall will be closed 15 or 30 minutes before the examination begins. You can find the specific time in the provisions for each examination.
  10. Before the campus-based examination begins, the invigilators give verbal instructions.
  11. At the beginning of the campus-based examination, the exam will be distributed either digitally or on paper.


During your written campus-based examination

  1. During your written campus-based examination, you can call the invigilator by raising your hand.
  2. Students can only leave the examination hall in the company of an invigilator. When going to the toilet, you need to use the toilet indicated by the invigilator.
  3. Visiting the canteen is not permitted.
  4. Smoking is not permitted.
  5. You are not allowed to leave the hall during the first and last half hour of the examination period.
  6. You are allowed to use supplementary materials and the Internet to the extent that is specified in the individual exam rules. During the examination, it is not permitted to borrow supplementary materials from each other. During the examination, it is not permitted to exchange information with, or contact in any way, other examinees or persons outside of the examination room. The use of headphones is not permitted, unless it has been stated as being part of the examination or you have received a dispensation.
  7. The individual exam rules for each exam can be found in your study program, course description, course space in itslearning or on your study web-page.
  8. If Exam Monitor is used, it needs to run on your computer during the entire examination.
  9. The assignment must always be completed as it is assigned, and the teacher/examiner may only be summoned if the wording of the assignment is ambiguous or if errors are discovered in the assignment. If errors are discovered or questions of doubt arise, all examinees present at the examination will be informed, in order to ensure the same exam conditions for everyone.
  10. The teacher/examiner may not be summoned simply because an examinee doubts whether he/she has understood the assignment correctly, because he/she does not understand some words (if necessary, bring a current Danish dictionary, although this is not permitted for examinations without supplementary materials) or to request assistance with resolving the assignment.
  11. You are responsible for your IT-equipment during the exam and for regularly saving your assignment work, including the production of backup copies, unless this is part of the system’s functionality.
  12. The University emphasises that should you suffer data loss (written text disappears) as a result of failure to save and make backup copies, you are still required to complete the examination, regardless of loss of data.
  13. If problems arise with your computer during the examination which neither you nor IT-support are able to resolve, you can continue by using a replacement provided by the university.
  14. During the examination, if a power failure, network outage or other external issue affecting the use of IT equipment occurs that cannot be remedied/resolved, an exam invigilator will immediately confer with the exam supervisor who will decide on the exam’s continuation.


When you have finished the written campus-based examination

  1. Invigilators will announce when there is half an hour left of the examination
  2. The assignment paper must be completed by the end of the examination and must then be submitted immediately. You need to write your exam number on the exam paper. If any other materials need to be used, students will be notified before the examination.
  3. All materials must be submitted digitally. For further details, consult the individual exam rules for each examination in your programme regulations.
  4. After submission, you must present the receipt of submission to the invigilator on your computer screen, following which you may close Exam Monitor/Exam4/Respondus Lockdown and your computer.
  5. You may not leave your seat before the receipt of submission has been approved by the invigilators.
  6. If you submit your exam early and receive approval from an invigilator, you can leave the exam before it is over. However, you cannot take your computer, mobile telephone, assignment instructions or other items from the exam room. You may return and collect these when the exam is over.

  7. You must vacate the room in an orderly fashion so that examinees with extended exam periods are disturbed as little as possible.


Do you need support? 

Contact Educational Law & Registration if you have any questions regarding the above mentioned rules. You can do this either via or by calling at 65501059 (between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m.).


Contact Student Services if you have questions about SU, Admission, SDU international, Syddansk Elite,  SPS and other services at SDU.

Contact the counselling at your studies if you need specific knowledge related to your study eg. knowledge about your study plan or how to write a dispensation application.

Contact the General Study counselling if you need guidance concerning general study topics such as study techniques, well-being or simply just find it hard to know who to go to with your questions. 

Last Updated 29.11.2018