Getting into a good flow with your writing includes:
- That you start writing as soon as possible. It is easier to manage your thoughts and ideas if they are on paper.
- That you write on several parts of your assignment at the same time. Because ideas for one section can arise when working with another.
- That you accept that not everything that is written can be used. Draft writing and editing is part of the writing process.
Hard to get started or get on with the text?
Writing blockages typically occur when one becomes too critical of oneself.
- You must therefore turn off your own inner critic for a period of time.
- You can do this, for example, by leaving your text for a few days until you start editing again.
- Or work on accepting that you are in the process of writing a draft that you can always remake.
Let your writing process be managed by a watch instead of the
completion of the product. Use e.g. the
pomodoro technique for this.

Is it difficult to get started with your writing?
Try this non-stop writing exercise.
You are the project manager on a major written assignment because:
- There is no syllabus and you yourself are responsible for finding literature
- There is a submission deadline, but it is you who plans your process with the assignment, so you will finish on time.
- Often it is you who have chosen a topic that you then also need to find the relevant knowledge about
If you need help with planning and project management and planning, you can see more here.
How do I collaborate with my supervisor?
- Make an expectation reconciliation with your supervisor. You can use this example of a supervisor collaboration plan.
- Make it easy for your supervisor to help you. You do this, for example. by clearly communicating what you are seeking help for.
- Feel free to send an outline for each meeting so that you give the supervisor the opportunity to prepare.
Remember that the assignment will only be assessed once it has been
handed in. You do not have to shine yet, so ask all the "stupid
Take good care of the supervision process
Get this exercise that addresses the actions before, during and after supervision.
You do not have to reinvent the wheel
You must show that you can use the methods of your subject and that you have academic skills. Show that you can limit a topic that is appropriate to the level at which you have to write the assignment and show that you can work independently on the assignment.
If the circle is the entire research field of your studyprogramme, then the dot represents a Ph.D. thesis. The thesis is therefore so small in relation to the research field that it cannot even be seen in the drawing. This is how much you have to limit your subject.
How do I write a good written assignment?
To answer that question, you must first examine what the requirements are for the task. You can investigate this, for example, by:
- Reading in your curriculum
- Reading in your subject description
- Asking your teacher about the purpose of the assignment
What are academic skills?
It varies within the studies, but there are different tools that can give you an academic guideline in the work on your assignment. See for example:
- Blooms taxonomic levels
- The study handbook
- Assignments from other students. Find fx theses from SDU
Learn from the process
The important thing is not to harvest 12s, but to learn something from the process. Few people master great assignments to perfection from the first time, but you are constantly learning something new about academic skills and writing and you as a writer of these.
We have gathered a number of links that could be relevant for you:
Formalities in major written assignments
When something unforseen happens
Jane Ebsen Morthorst is a lector at the Institute of biology
Hear her thoughts about counseling