- Library
SDUmail - Webmail service
Outlook Web Mail -
Access to your courses -
Login to DigitalExam -
Contact SDU - SPOC -
SDU Student Self-Service
Students can enroll into courses, exams and see results -
SDU Print
Configuration of printers and print management -
Your SDU account
Access account information, change/register SMS number and picture settings -
Reset/change password
Reset or change your password. Forgot your password? Use this service -
see your status, your reservations and renew your loans -
Information Service
Displays the information passed on to services -
Vacant positions
Here you will find a list of the available jobs for instructors or student assistants at SDU
SDUmail - Webmail service
Get an overview of which courses you should have when, read about your options along the way and about rules and frameworks that apply to you as a student.
Your options along the way:

The course of the education
Get an overview of what courses and tests you should have in your education, when there are optional elements and the like.

Find your curriculum
See the formal rules and requirements for your education. This is also where you can find older curricula.

Studieaktivitetskrav og tidsgrænse
Du skal være opmærksom på reglerne om studieaktivitet og tidsgrænse for at gennemføre uddannelsen.