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Fagråd for Engelsk og Amerikanske Studier (EngAm Fagråd)

A great learning environment at English and American Studies is created by, amongst other things, the students themselves. The student council works as the students’ voice and represents the students at for instance the Study Board and other governing bodies related to the studies at the university.

If you have any issues, ideas or requests which you would like to be considered by your study, feel free to contact the student council!

Moreover, the student council aspires to create both social and academic coherence for the two studies’ students, for example through social and academic events, such as movie nights, homework/study cafés, pubcrawls, study trips and much more.

Open meetings are typically held every other month, approx. two weeks before the Study Board meeting, for all members, and all students enrolled at English or American Studies are automatically members of the student council. That means that you, of course, are very welcome to attend these meetings, so do not hesitate to join us!

Both as a student and as a board member, you can help determine what the student council will be dealing with, and you can be a part of the effort to create an interesting and active study environment for all of us.

Find us on Facebook:

Or send us a mail:

Meeting agendas and summaries can be found here.

Directions to the student council’s room can be found here.

Last Updated 12.03.2022