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Avoid cheating in exams

SDU guards the credibility of our diplomas, and cheating in exams is therefore considered an unacceptable act that can have serious consequences for you – regardless of whether you violate the rules intentionally or by mistake. 

What is cheating in exams?

If you do not comply with the rules for an exam, it is considered an exam irregularity (i.e. cheating in exams), regardless of whether the rules have been violated intentionally or unintentionally. 

You can find links to the general rules for exams, including rules for oral exams, written take-home assignments and written exams under invigilation at the bottom of this page. In addition, you must familiarise yourself with the course description for the course in which you are taking the exam. 

Below are examples of what cheating in exams can be. These are only examples, so even if a situation is not mentioned here, it may still be considered a violation of the rules.  


Cheating in exams can be:

How do you avoid cheating in an exam? 

SDU expects you as a student to be able to work independently and to familiarise yourself with the rules for good academic practice and the rules for your exams.  

It is your own responsibility to stay informed about the exam regulations for the individual course in which you are taking the exam.  

You will find links to the general rules for exams, including rules for oral exams, written take-home assignments and written exams under invigilation at the bottom of this page. In addition, you must familiarise yourself with the course description for the course in which you are taking the exam. 

If you, for personal reasons, feel pressured in connection with an exam, cheating in an exam is never the solution. Personal circumstances are not considered an acceptable excuse or reason in a case of  cheating in an exam.  

If you are under strain before an exam due to special or unusual circumstances, you can seek help from the student counsellors and/or apply the Study Board for an exemption to, for example, postpone your exam.  

Get help to comply with the rules 

If you have questions about how to answer an academic assignment in the correct way, you can get help from the library at SDU. The library at SDU also offers courses in academic writing, among other things. You will find a link to the library’s courses at the bottom of this page.   

You can read more about academic integrity, including how to make correct references, on the library’s page ‘Academic integrity’, and on the page ‘Write academic assignments’ you can find instructions on how to write academic assignments. Links to the pages are available below. 

On you can find information about what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. You can also test your knowledge of correct use of references.

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Last Updated 04.09.2024