General information
Below you can find lists of available exchange places, divided by faculty, covering both the Erasmus+ and Nordplus programme.
Notable dates
Application rounds are held twice a year (+ one additional round for the coming spring semester only).
Autumn round:
- In September, full lists of available exchange places will be published on these pages for the coming academic year (Autumn 2025/Spring 2026). The application portal also opens.
- Application deadline is 1 November 2024.
- If you have passed 30 ECTS at a university level before the deadline, we encourage you to apply in the autumn round to secure a spot as soon as possible.
Spring round:
- In early February, updated lists of exchange places which are still available and possible new places will be published on these pages for the coming academic year (Autumn 2025/Spring 2026). The application portal also opens.
- Application deadline is 1 March 2025.
Additional round (coming spring semester only):
- In early September, updated lists of exchange places which are still available will be published on these pages for the current academic year (Spring 2026). The application portal also opens.
- Application deadline is 1 October 2025.
Allocation of places
The International Office will seek to award you the highest possible priority on your list when allocating places. Find more information on how we prioritize applications on our Allocation of places page.
Introduction to Erasmus+ and Nordplus, including grants
Erasmus+ is an EU-funded exchange programme based on individual agreements between universities within EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. SDU has entered agreements with more than 400 partner universities within Europe.
The supply of exchange places within this programme far outweighs the demand, but it is still a good idea to consider multiple options as some universities will be more popular than others. Hence, competition for these places can occur.
It is possible to go on Erasmus+ exchange both during your bachelor and during your master degree. You can maximum go for two semesters abroad during each degree.
As an Erasmus+ student you will receive a grant of approximately EUR 500-700 per month of your mobility. The specific amount varies according to length of the mobility period and the destination.
There are different types of extra funding available through the Erasmus+ programme, if:
- You suffer from a chronical condition (physical or psychological) or a functional impairment (EUR 250 per month, as well as possibility of coverage of specifically high expenditures in relation to your stay).
- You are the primary caregiver/breadwinner for one or more children/persons (EUR 250 per month).
- You plan to travel to/from (or both) your destination by relatively sustainable means, i.e., train, bus, carpooling or similar (higher travel grant).
More information will be given once you have been granted an Erasmus+ exchange place. Until then you are welcome to contact SDU International if you have any questions.
The Nordic countries have a close educational cooperation under the common framework known as the Nordplus programme.
Exchange possibilities are organized in a number of academic and broader networks. The supply of exchange places within this programme usually outweighs the demand, but it is still a good idea to consider multiple options, as some universities will be more popular than others, why competition for these places can occur.
Get the full Nordic experience
Going on exchange to a Nordic country can be an experience exceeding your expectations. Some of the Nordic countries seem very much like Denmark – but then again turn out to be very different.
Students who speak Danish often have the advantage of being able to follow courses taught in the host language (Swedish or Norwegian) as well as English taught courses.
Semester exchange to a Nordic partner university will usually be funded with an Erasmus+ grant.
Exceptions are exchange stays to Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and short term mobilities. These types of study abroad stays will be funded with a grant from Nordplus.
Current application round: Spring round 2025
Spring round 2025: Overseas, Erasmus+ and Nordplus places in the academic year 2025-2026 (autumn semester 2025 and spring semester 2026).
It is possible to apply for both European and overseas exchange places in one single application. You will find the overseas exchange places on our Exchange overseas site. You can list up to 8 priorities in your application.
Below, you will find the lists of Erasmus+ and Nordplus exchange places available in the academic year 2025-2026 (autumn semester 2025 and spring semester 2026).
The deadline for applying in the spring round 2025 is 1 March 2025.
Erasmus+ and Nordplus places available in the spring round 2025:
- For students from the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences 25/26 (pdf)
- For students from the Faculty of Engineering 25/26 (pdf)
- For students from the Faculty of Health Sciences 25/26 (pdf)
- For students from the Faculty of Humanities 25/26 (pdf)
- For students from the Faculty of Science 25/26 (pdf)
Important documents
Below you can find important documents that you will need in connection with your exchange.
All students going on exchange through the Erasmus+ programme must complete a Learning Agreement prior to their mobility. As of 2021 the Learning Agreement must be done online instead of word or pdf files.
To create an Online Learning Agreement (OLA) visit, log in with your SDU student email account (via MyAcademicID) and create the learning agreement. A step-by-step guide will be sent to you later on once you have been offered an exchange spot.
Should you need a learning agreement prior to the initiation from SDU International e.g. for your application to your host university, please contact SDU International via