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New strategy

Strategy process has begun at SDU

The Board of SDU has asked the University’s management to initiate a process seeking to renew SDU’s strategic basis. This week, the process kicked off with deliberations in both the University Council and the Main Co-operation Committee.

The terms under which SDU operates have been rapidly changing in recent years. Declining youth cohorts, relocation of education programmes, proposals for 1-year master’s degree programmes, vocational graduate programmes and increased further and continuing education at universities are just some of the changes that create uncertainty about educational revenue in the coming years.

In addition, SDU is seeing a number of significant shifts in research funding, as well as new opportunities to acquire external research funding.
Therefore, the Board of SDU has asked the Rectorate to implement a strategy process to renew the current strategic basis from 2016 (updated in 2019).

The strategy will be developed within in the four core areas of the University: 1. Research, 2. Education, 3. Collaboration, innovation, dissemination and community engagement and 4. People and organisation.

Fruitful thematic discussions

The strategy process began this week with fruitful discussions in both the University Council and the the Main Co-operation Committee on the objectives and ambitions of the strategy plan. Furthermore, a dialogue forum has been set up, consisting of representatives from the Main Co-operation Committee the University Council and students. The dialogue forum will be continuously involved in the strategy process to ensure a link to everyday practice and a strengthened foundation in the strategy process.

- As SDU’s management, we are taking the major changes in the educational and research landscapes very seriously. Global societal challenges and the changing political, economic, demographic and technological framework conditions constitute an obvious opportunity to assess and discuss how SDU can best enhance its role and create value over the coming years, says Jens Ringsmose and continues:

- We look forward to involving employees and students in the strategy work and getting input on how we can secure the future of SDU together.

Multi-stage process

Phase 1 of the strategy process will run until June 2023. The plan calls for the Board of SDU to approve a new strategic basis for the University on 12 June 2023.
In the autumn, the next phase of the strategy process will launch an inclusive process of developing concrete action plans and initiatives for implementation in each area.
The Rectorate will regularly keep the organisation informed on the strategy process here on SDUnet.

Strategy process at SDU

 3 February Meeting with Heads of Department
The basis of the meeting is the work accomplished so far
8 February Management workshop – research and education
7 March Main Co-operation Committee meeting
Consultation on up-to-date strategy material.
9 March University Council meeting
Consultation on up-to-date strategy material.
9 March Executive Board discussion – collaboration and organisation
13 March Dialogue forum meeting
27 March Deadline for sending material to the Board
29 March Heads of Studies meeting
11 April Board meeting
Status of strategy process and briefing on implementation of Phase 1.
18 April Consultation
The first draft strategy is submitted for consultation in the Department Council, the Academic Councils, the University Council and the Main Co-operation Committee.
May Recapitulation on consultations
12 June Board meeting

Editing was completed: 20.01.2023