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Financial adjustment: Result of the remediation phase

SDU’s management has decided on voluntary agreements and other mitigation measures to reduce the number of unsolicited redundancies. Unfortunately, unsolicited redundancies are necessary to ensure a sustainable economy.

Since the management’s announcement on 23 March of the need for an annual financial adjustment of DKK 95 million from 2024, SDU’s management has until 14 April examined and assessed measures, including the possibility of voluntary resignations, to minimise the extent of unsolicited dismissals of employees. 

The current status is that management has identified and decided on mitigation measures totalling DKK 57 million, which will contribute towards reducing the number of unauthorised redundancies. Unfortunately, these mitigation measures are insufficient, and it is therefore necessary to fulfil an adjustment need of an additional DKK 38 million.

As a direct consequence of this, SDU’s management has decided to initiate a process whereby positions at the faculties and in the Central Administration will be eliminated through unsolicited redundancies with effect from 1 January 2024 onwards. 

Different adjustment needs

The need for adjustment in terms of unsolicited redundancies is distributed differently between the faculties and Central Administration, as they are facing different situations in relation to the reduced educational revenue, increased costs and current budgets. 

In addition, towards 2027, several faculties and the Central Administration need to find further operational optimisations and restructuring measures to increase revenues and/or reduce costs to eventually ensure a sustainable economy. These operational optimisations are beyond the annual adjustment needs in 2024. 

- It is a difficult situation for everyone at SDU. The adjustments have consequences for both the individual and the organisation as a whole. Our hope is that everyone will get through this difficult time in the best possible way’, says SDU’s management.

On behalf of SDU’s Executive Board:

Jens Ringsmose, Rector

Helle Waagepetersen, Pro-Rector

Thomas Buchvald Vind, University Director

Editing was completed: 25.04.2023