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Our Global Goals

SDG Vote: Pick a solution

Take part in the vote and influence SDU’s work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On September 24th, 2019, SDU launched the SDU SDG Forum at an event attended by 300 staff and students from SDU.

Part of the event was a workshop where the participants engaged in solving challenges related to SDUs work with the SDGs. The challenges had in advance been identified and described by the faculties’ academic environments as well as units from the central administration.

A total of 37 suggested solutions were produced during the workshop at the event.

These solutions have now undergone evaluation by the challenge proposers, who have identified the 12 solutions with the greatest potential for SDU according to them.

You are now invited to vote for one solution that SDU in your opinion should address first.

You will receive an email today with a link to the vote.

Deadline for participating: 12.11.2019 at 12:00 PM

Editing was completed: 06.11.2019