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Database with full text access

DS / Danish Standards – full text access to  all Danish Standards, +preview to many international standards  (Access only for staff and students at SDU) 

Note: Only use the access option: "Access via educational institution" In the drop-down menu, select SDU


Catalogues (without full text access)

ANSI / American Standards Institute

BS / British Standards

DIN / Deutsches Institute für Normung

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Explore

IHS sells standards from 460 organizations from all over the world

ITU International Telecommunication Union

NS / Standards Norway

SIS / Swedish Standards Institute


Which standards can be borrowed?
Please be aware that standards cannot be found separately in the catalogue because only few of them have been registered. Use one of the search options at the top of this page instead. See below for the different types of standards that the library has.

All our own standards can be borrowed for one month and the loan can be renewed if possible. You are welcome to order standards, but in order to do so, you must have a library card.

If you are a student or a teacher at the University of Southern Denmark, you are very welcome to ask us to purchase standards which we do not own ourselves.

Danish standards
The University Library has all the Danish standards (DS) online, and supplement to this also many  in paper. Many Danish standards correspond 100 % to European and international standards, such as EN or ISO. Therefore, this library has a number of EN and ISO standards which are normally in English. In some cases, Danish standards have only been published in the form of an approval sheet which does not contain the text itself, but only has a reference to a foreign standard.

German Standards
The University Library has acquired a big collection of DIN standards in print from the Technical Information Center of Denmark, DTU Library.

This collection consists of all the existing DIN standards until about 1996 as well as ISO, EN, IEC, ETSI, and VDE standards which are recognized as the German DIN standard. In addition to that, we have a big collection of DIN Taschenbücher containing many existing DIN standards. Many DIN standards correspond fully to other European and international standards, which in these cases have been translated into German.

EN, ETS, IEC and VDE standards
The library has all of the EN and ISO standards which are recognized as Danish standards. However, some of them only exist in the form of an approval sheet, which means that the text itself cannot be found in the Danish standard. A few other EN and ISO standards have been purchased separately. Furthermore, many EN, ETS, IEC, ISO, and VDE standards are a part of the collection of German DIN standards.

Other foreign standards
You are welcome to ask for any specific standard via the order form. Unfortunately, the standards that we do not own ourselves can rarely be obtained from other libraries, but you can always ask anyway.


Last Updated 24.01.2024