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Apply for funds for activities in the SDG Pool!

And be part of improving well-being among students at SDU during COVID-19

Although it is currently possible to keep SDU open during the second wave of COVID-19, we are still far away from the everyday life we knew from before 11 March 2020, when Denmark was shut down. The many restrictions and changes in everyday life can lead to loneliness, uncertainty and failure to thrive for the individual student.

The limitations also make it difficult for the numerous student associations, which play an enormously important role in a good and active study environment. SDU would like to do something about this! University Management has therefore asked student associations to come up with ideas for activities and initiatives that can improve well-being among students at SDU under these unique conditions, and has also allocated funds from the SDG Pool to support these activities.

Please get in touch with one of the associations that you are a member of if you have a good idea. If you are not a member of an association, please contact SDU Student Association Coordinator Simon Blanco Lon With, who will pass your idea on. You can write to Simon at The application deadline for associations is 10 December 2020.

What do loneliness, uncertainty and failure to thrive due to COVID-19 have to do with the UN's SDGs?

The short answer is: quite a lot actually! It is in this area that we need to make use of Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4. Sustainable Development Goal 3 is about all people of all ages having a healthy life and thriving throughout life - also when it comes to mental health and well-being. Sustainable Development Goal 4 is about all people having equal access to quality education - including vulnerable and exposed groups. So when you, with a focus on mental and social well-being, reach out to all students to include them as an association in an active study environment, you are well on your way to contributing to the two goals.

Editing was completed: 30.11.2020