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Consumption of paper

New printers: CO2 emissions reduced by 79 per cent

SDU will be replacing its printers in week 7. 276 of the old printers will be replaced by 140 new printers, which are faster, ensure a higher degree of confidentiality and use much less energy.

By Bente Dalgaard, , 2/3/2020

SDU will be replacing its printers during the winter break and this initiative will make a significant greener impression on the university.

Initially, the replacement will trigger a reduction in energy consumption, but the goal is also to reduce the consumption of paper as both staff and students develop new digital workflows.

The replacement alone will result in energy consumption/costs being reduced by 80 per cent and CO2 emissions by 79 per cent.

Replacement in all cities

At present, there are a total of 276 printers at SDU addresses in Odense, Esbjerg, Kolding, Copenhagen, Slagelse, Sønderborg and Flensborg.

This figure will be reduced to 140 after 14 February, which means that many will have to walk a little further in order to print or scan.

-The new printers will be located according to where the daily congestion is greatest, and we will try to take into account whether people are accustomed to the printer being on the ground floor or first floor, says Bjarne Kay, head of section at Technical Services.

New workflows

-Some will find that having to walk a little further in order to print or scan may be a little inconvenient and time-consuming in the future, but one of the goals is also to get staff and students to think about their consumption of paper and encourage them to find new digital workflows, he says and adds:

- But we do realize that not everyone will be able to reduce their consumption of paper and it is not our intention to give people a bad conscience about doing their work.

Improved security

Bjarne Kay points out that the new printers are 30 per cent faster than the old ones, which means that less time is spent in front of the printer. And security has also been improved:  

-The printer will automatically delete the job to be printed if an error is reported. There is no need to wait until the printer starts again if you are printing confidential material.  You can simply move over to another printer, says Bjarne Kay.

Duplex printing

There are also green savings to be made, as the new printers are configured to print in black and white on both sides of the paper.

It therefore requires that an active choice is made to print on a single page or in colour.

It is expected that printing on both sides - duplex -will reduce the consumption of paper by 21 per cent.

Finally, a reduction in the consumption of paper would also occur if staff and students scanned more to their computers rather than printing when they wish to copy material. 

Interested in more: Financial services has reduced the overall print consumption  by 79 per cent in just two years. 
Editing was completed: 03.02.2020