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Content of the Programme

Radical Rethink! is an extra-curricular talent programme which gives you an extra 20 ECTS points on top of your ordinary study programme and a special recognition. 

The programme stretches over a year with six boot camps scheduled at concentrated times outside normal study hours. The first and major boot camp takes place in August 2019. The following five mini boot camps take place during weekends; three in the fall and two in the beginning of the spring term. 


All boot camps take place at campus in Odense in SDU Cortex Lab's ThinkerSpace – a really cool workshop room which supports idea generation and innovative thinking.

The boot camps will offer full catering and be a place for socialising and networking.


Boot camp themes:

  1. Ageing societies, where did we come from, where are we going?
  2. Trends: Living longer, living healthier?
  3. Determinants: What are the secrets of ageing?
  4. Families of the future – ageing across generations?
  5. Are we heading towards a sustainable future society?
  6. Back to the Future?

Each faculty contributes with their unique disciplinary perspective to the themes covered during the programme, and the gained knowledge will facilitate the teams’ identification and formulation of problems which the team members are passionate about.
Humanities reflect changes in key aspects of human life - individual and social - through the lenses of literature, art, and media.
Business and Social Sciences enlighten the contradicting pushes and pulls of economic demands, public drivers, and individual needs.
Sciences teach lessons from nature with an evolutionary perspective.
Health Sciences represent the pillar of human health and recovery.
Engineering unravel blessings and curses of technology innovations.

Learning activities at boot camps

The boot camps will offer four types of learning activities:

  • Lecture series
  • Team-based learning
  • Movie series
  • Expert round tables

The learning activities consist of rather “formal” activities such as the lectures in the morning, as well as more informal activities such as the expert round table discussions in the evening.

Student preparation

Student preparation, reading, and work is expected to be intense during the time between boot camps. You must prepare for each boot camp, e.g. through reading of literature, and throughout the whole year, the talent teams develop their ideas, connect to relevant stakeholders in the community, collect data, and carry out any relevant actions necessary to complete their project. Most of the spring term is reserved to carry out and finalise student projects.

Attendance at all boot camps is compulsory, whereas the time in between each boot camp is planned within the individual talent team and its team members, that is: How often will you meet, when, where, in person, via Skype, etc.

+10 ECTS, The Voluntary Scientific Challenge

You will have the opportunity to take on an extra voluntary scientific challenge by translating your project into an individual academic essay. The challenge will give you an extra 10 ECTS points, and it offers you the chance of having your work published in a scientific journal. All top-graded essays will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed international journal, which then lets you achieve an early publication within a potential PhD work.

Please note, that if you are a bachelor student, you will have to take on this scientific challenge in order to earn the distinction. If you choose not to do so, you will still be recognized for your 20 ECTS points of the talent programme. However, to earn the formal SDU distinction, bachelor students must complete 30 extra-curricular ECTS points. 

Read the programme description for 20 ECTS here. 

Read the programme description for 30 ECTS here. 

Last Updated 28.09.2020