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Have you sometimes thought that some things need to be changed in your education? You have exactly the opportunity to do that by being a member of the study board. YOU help make decisions that are relevant to YOUR education and are thus a voice for the students. The number of members will vary between 4-10 members, where you will sit together with other students and academic staff. Here you can help discuss and decide things such as:

  • Should we have more or fewer oral exams?
  • Do you need more feedback from the teachers?
  • Is the curriculum up-to-date and up-to-date?

You have that opportunity right now, as you can run for the board of studies. So make an effort for your fellow students and future students and help make a difference! Students on the Study Board have a term of office of 1 year.
NB: The study board typically meets once a month, with the exception of July (summer vacation).

SDU Elections

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Last Updated 10.08.2023