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Documentation fraud

Alteration of official documents (document fraud)

Official documents must always, and without exception, be filed in their original form. Documents must not be written upon or altered before being sent to SDU.

If it happens that a student does not comply with this, it will have serious consequences for the student.

Consequences of alteration an official document

If a student alters an official document, the person in question will be reported to the vice-chancellor for breach of the disciplinary measures at SDU

If the vice-chancellor finds a breach of disciplinary rules has occurred, the student may be permanently expelled from SDU.

If the altered official document has been used to gain access to a programme at SDU, SDU will not hesitate to cancel all results obtained at the programme. If the programme at a later stage has been used to gain access to a programme at the same or higher level all result obtained here will also be cancelled.

If the altered official document has been used to obtain a dispensation or a credit transfer, or any other permit or authorization, the decision will be cancelled.

If use of the altered official document has lead to SU being paid out, the student will be met by a claim for reimbursement from SU.

Police review

In addition to the above, SDU always declares the student to the police for suspicion of violation of section 171 of the Penal Code on document falsification.

The penal framework for infringements § 171 is basically everything from a fine to 2 years in prison. In particularly serious cases of falsification of documents, the defendant may be sentenced to 6 years in prison.

What is an official document (N.B. The list is not exhaustive)?

  • A medical certificate
  • A transcript
  • A diploma
  • A decision of a study board
  • A death certificate
  • A bus ticket

What defines the use of an official document(N.B. The list is not exhaustive)?

The use of official documents at a university is typically done by applying for admission to an education, in connection with application for a waiver and merit, in connection with the application for SU-clips or in connection with the application for cancellation of test trials.

Last Updated 21.07.2021