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Failure to submit or pass

 If you fail to submit the thesis or if you do not pass, you will have used one examination attempt. You must enter into a new thesis project contract with an altered project description and a new deadline.

If you fail to submit or do not pass your Master's thesis, you must enter into a contract with an altered project description. 

If you do not submit
If you do not submit your thesisyou must enter into a contract with an altered project description no later than two weeks after the initial deadline. The new deadline will be 3 months ahead. E.g. If the original deadline was June 1st, the new contract will begin from June 15 and the new deadline for submitting the thesis will be September 15th.

In the table you can see the deadlines for the altered thesis contract and submission of the thesis for the 2. examination attempt, if your original deadline was either June 1st or January 2nd. 

 Do not submit    
1. attempt deadline Deadline: contract with an altered project description  2. attempt deadline 
 1 June 15 June 15 September
 2 January 17 January 17 April

The same deadlines apply if you submit a thesis project that is not in accordance with the formalities and official requirements stated in the Master's thesis course description (length etc.) and your project therefore can be rejected without assessment.

If you do not pass
If you do not pass the thesis,you must enter into a contract with an altered project description no later than two weeks after the result has been publicized. The new deadline will be 3 months ahead.

If you have submitted your thesis by June 1st/January 2nd in accordance with the formalities and official requirements stated in the Master's thesis course description (length etc.), but have not passed, the deadlines are as follows:

 Do not pass    
1. attempt deadline Deadline: contract with an altered project description  2. attempt deadline 
 1 June 15 August 15 November
 2 January 15 February 15 May

You must fill in the contract with the altered project description using the form system.

In accordance with the new contract and the altered project description, you will have 3 months to revise the thesis project. Regardless of whether you enter into a new contract or not, the 3 months will run from the date, you should have entered into the new contract, see section 1.

What is an altered project description?

In a letter dated 13 July 2007, the Ministry stated what a changes thesis statement (project description) means,

»the student need not restart his/her thesis from the beginning if he/she fails to meet the deadline but, on the basis of an academic evaluation, the university must change the thesis statement in such a way that it corresponds to a workload of a further three months. This shall apply irrespective of the prescribed period for the thesis. The changed thesis formulation must thus be adjusted in the light of the contents of the individual thesis. It may, for instance, comprise a longer or shorter addition, just as (in principle) it is not the intention that the student shall begin from the beginning with new, experimental trials.«

The extra workload may be e.g. more empiricial data, new theories and methods, more analyses and so on.

Requirements to the altered project description
In the new project desciption you must desribe the work that has been added compared to the original project description. 

If your contract and project description have not been approved
If you have not submitted a contract and had your project description approved  in connection with your 1st attemp, the workload of a further 3 months for your 2nd and 3rd attempts will be determined on the basis of an additional number of pages. Read more in your curriculum.

The thesis contract and the altered project description must be submitted through SPOC:


  • You must alter the thesis contract through SPOC : Go to Previous enquiries (top right corner) --> Find your thesis contract --> Press the yellow button "Open for 2nd/3rd attempt"
  • You must upload the altered project description as a PDF-file in the same place. It must be clear what changed has been made.

Your supervisor and the Head of Studies approves the thesis contract and the project description. If the project description does not clearly describe the 3 months of extra workload, the thesis contract and project description will not be approved.

In connection with a new attempt you are entitled to one meeting with your supervisor to discuss the alteration of the project description. Your supervisor must approve the thesis contract and the altered project description. If you wish to hand in your thesis as a group (two students or more), you must hand in one thesis contract per group.

You can read more about the rules applying to the Master’s thesis project in the Faculty of Humanities in your curriculum and in the master thesis course description.



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Last Updated 09.11.2023