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Step 3. What you can

On this site, you can read about the experiences of former students from your study in regard to their qualifications and how they use them in the job market.

The list is by no means exhaustive – there are plenty of students who have used their education to learn many other things and who have created a future that no one could have seen coming.  But remember, the list is never ending.


Doing your study preparation, exam assignments and other study activities it can be difficult to find out, which competences all your hard work gives you.

A Master in Middle East Studies is an intense learning process in which you learn to:

  • evaluate and choose among the scientific theories, methods, tools and general skills applicable to the subject areas within Middle East Studies
  • develop and respond to academic issues relating to the Middle East in an independent and academic manner
  • carry out project and communication assignments relating to the Middle East on an academic basis and to present these to relevant working partners
  • discuss research related issues, define relevant research questions and carry out qualified analysis
  • convey analysis and solutions to specialists as well as non-specialists
  • take part in work processes, which require dealing with complex and unpredictable situations and new solutions in a practical manner


Perhaps you are now thinking that you are developing more skills and other exciting competences, which is very good because you’re the expert who can continue the "list" during your studies.

What will you work as when you’ve finished your education? This question has probably been given to you in numerous occasions without you knowing what to answer. It may also be a question you ask yourself. If you'd like some inspiration for an answer, it's good you're reading this. You have many possibilities with your competences.

You will be able to have a job or a career where you are going to:

  • prepare management related assessments and procedures, including the formulation of practical implementation and strategy
  • make solid contributions involving information searches, planning or development for organizations, institutions and companies working with the Middle East

When you become a graduate of the Middle East Studies you’ll have the opportunity apply for jobs and functions in the Middle East– including jobs associated with the Middle East in a European or Danish context. In addition, you’re qualified for tasks in the Danish, Scandinavian and European integration sector.

The graduates in Middle East Studies have been employed in many different areas. The secret services in Denmark (PET and FE) and the Danish integration sector (in ministries and municipalities) are the top scorers. The EU, international organizations and NGO’s represent other areas where graduates have found jobs.

Several times during your studies, you may find yourself wondering what it’s good for – and if you’ve made the right choices. While having doubts can be unpleasant, it also allows you to think about the many options you have during your studies. These options can help to shape your profile in the direction that you find exciting and makes sense for your career plans.

Perhaps you find the idea of working in communications, export, marketing, at an embassy or something else exciting, but you don’t know if you have what it takes. Fortunately, you have plenty of opportunities to find out during your studies.

You may find it interesting to do an internship (project-oriented course) and/or go abroad for a semester during your studies to try out another culture, test your skills and discover exciting new opportunities.

Or maybe you’re thinking of trying a student job, where you get the chance to do tasks that require you to apply some of the skills you learned at university and discover new career opportunities you didn’t know were possible for someone with your skill set.

Among many other things, these are the kinds of opportunities that can help you shape your profile and shed new light on your career prospects.

If you need an overview of your career options or guidance on how to get there, please reach out to our career guidance.


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Last Updated 09.11.2023