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Examination schedules

The examination schedules are subject to change. Therefore, always remember to check your examination date and time on SDU's digital platform.

The secretariat plans the exams, and can not take into account wishes in relation to the scheduled exam time. If you are in a special situation, e.g. if you have several exams on the same day, you can contact your study secretary, who can help find a solution.

The examination schedules are available on this page no later than 1 May (summer exam) and 1 December (winter exam).

Examination Schedule

Final examination and reexamination plan for:

Vinter  Sommer
Career Opportunity Courses - Karriereprofilfagene:
Undervisning og praktik (Teaching and Internship)
 Undervisning og praktik
Faglig formidling (Professional Communication)
HRM i teori og praksis (HRM in theory and practice)
Social og kulturel innovation (Social and Cultural Innovation)
Digital humaniora (Digital Humanities)
Academic Core Cross-curricular Subjects -  Kernefaglige tværfag:
Fremmedsprogstilegnelse (Second Language Acquisition)
Politiske ideologier (Political Ideologies)
By og samfund i Antikken (City and Society in Antiquity)
Fortolkning i kontekst (Interpretation in Context)
 Øvrige fællesfag

Videnskabsteori, tværvidenskabelighed
og forskningsformidling


                 Do you have questions regarding your examination schedule?

➤ Contact your study secretary.

Last Updated 09.11.2023