Campusvej 55, Odense M
15:15 - 16:00
IMADA Talks!
Want to know what is going on behind the scenes at IMADA?Come and join us for 2 x 20 min. inspiring talks while you enjoy a free “casual after-work” beer with your fellow student, colleague or teacher.Speakers will be Associate Professor Jing Qin (»AcuteX: Impact of extreme climate events for acute hospital services in Denmark«) and Communication Officer Ursula Lundgreen Svane (»Communicating on LinkedIn in 2024«).
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
DIAS event: Center for Subjectivity Research 2002-2024
Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen was established in 2002 on the basis of a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond). Its three founders were a philosopher, a psychiatrist, and a professor of systematic theology. Since then, it has had more than 80 employees, attracted more than 250 guest researchers, and secured external funding in excess of 140.000.000 DKK. Currently, its staff involves people with a background in philosophy, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, and criminology. In my talk, I will outline the history of the center, present some of its distinctive features, and discuss how it over the years has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration.About Dan ZahaviDan Zahavi is Professor of Philosophy and director of the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen. Zahavi’s primary research area is phenomenology and philosophy of mind, and their intersection with empirical disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, and anthropology. In addition to various scholarly works on the phenomenology of Husserl, Zahavi has mainly written on the nature of selfhood, self-consciousness, intersubjectivity, empathy, and most recently on topics in social ontology. His most important publications include Self-awareness and Alterity (1999/2020), Husserl’s Phenomenology (2003), Subjectivity and Selfhood (2005), The Phenomenological Mind (together with Shaun Gallagher) (2008/2012/2021), Self and Other (2014), Husserl’s Legacy (2017), Phenomenology: The Basics (2019), and Being We (forthcoming in 2025). His work has been translated into more than 30 languages.
Campusvej 55, Odense M
14:00 - 16:00
Energinet fortæller: Sådan skaber du et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv
Har du også overvejet, hvordan du får en god start på arbejdslivet efter studierne? Så kom til dette arrangement, hvor du kan møde Energinet og få en masse spændende indsigter, du allerede nu kan bruge for at skabe et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv for dig selv! Energinet HR vil bl.a. fortælle, hvordan de sikrer, at deres medarbejdere har gode og balancerede arbejds- og privatliv. Derudover vil du også få værdifulde råd til din jobsøgning som snart nyuddannet, ligesom der bliver delt personlige erfaringer med overgangen fra studieliv til arbejdsliv. Det er en unik chance for at få indsigt direkte fra arbejdsgiverne selv og møde nogen, der for nylig har stået i samme situation som dig. Til dette arrangement får du bl.a.: [list][*]Indsigt i hvordan Energinets HR-afdeling arbejder med at sikre at deres medarbejdere har gode, hele (arbejds)liv [/list][list][*]Oplæg fra to nyuddannede om både overgangen fra studieliv til arbejdsliv, samt hvordan det er at være nyuddannet og i job [/list][list][*]Fem gåde råd fra Energinet HR om at være førstegangs-jobsøgende [/list][list][*]Mulighed for netværk og evt. sparring på ansøgningsmateriale [/list][list][*]Mulighed for at høre mere om Energinets graduate-programmer [/list] Arrangementet foregår i lokale U152.
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
The Future of Archives in the Digital Age
The digital revolution has transformed the way we create, preserve, and access information, reshaping the role of archives in society.This talk explores the potential future of archives in the digital age, using one of the oldest philosophical archives and research institutes for philosophy in Germany – the Husserl Archives Cologne – as an example. Drawing on insights from phenomenology and digital humanities, it examines how digitalization challenges traditional notions of permanence, authenticity, and ownership. How do virtual repositories affect the human experience of accessibility and historical continuity? What implications does this have for cultural memory? About Thiemo BreyerThiemo Breyer is Professor of Phenomenology and Anthropology at the University of Cologne, where he also serves as Director of the Husserl Archives. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Freiburg and an M.Phil. in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. He was visiting professor in Kyoto, Mainz, Milano, and Montreal, and research fellow at Harvard University. His research interests within the broader field of consciousness studies include affectivity, attention, embodiment, empathy, and memory. Venue: DIAS Auditorium Address: Fioniavej 34, 5230 OdenseOpen for all
14:00 - 15:00
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank Er du på jagt efter et spændende studiejob, en relevant praktik*, eller en organisation, du kan inddrage i dit speciale eller en anden opgave? Eller er du måske bare lidt nysgerrig på, hvad der er af spændende job- og samarbejdsmuligheder for dig som studerende? Så er det her webinar lige noget for dig! I løbet af 45 minutter får du … [list][*]Introduktion til hvordan du bruger SDU’s jobbank bedst muligt, herunder gennemgang af jobbankens funktioner samt opsætning af profil og jobagent [/list][list][*]Tips til hvad du kan gøre, hvis du ikke liiige finder det, du er på jagt efter i jobbanken [/list][list][*]Hacks til at ansøgning og CV, herunder anbefaling af programmer [/list]*Her dækker ”praktik” både over ”Projektorienteret forløb” og ”Virksomhedsprojekt”. Forberedelse [list][*]Log ind på SDU’s jobbank på med dit studenterlogin. [/list] Lidt praktisk info [list][*]Uanset hvilket studie og semester, du går på, er du velkommen. [/list][list][*]Du kan logge på webinaret fra kl. 14:00, men oplægget går først i gang kl. 14:15. [/list][list][*]Webinaret bliver ikke optaget. [/list]
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
DIAS Event: 'The Fertility Drop Puzzle' by Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Why is there a sudden and sharp drop in births occurring in so many countries in the 2010-20 decade?
Fioniavej 34, Odense M
11:15 - 12:15
Jonas Bering Liisberg: The State of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities for the Danish Presidency, Fall 2025
What key strategies should Denmark prioritise during its EU Presidency?