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Instructor Prize

Why nominate an instructor?

The Instructor Prize is a splendid opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge those educators who have made a positive difference in your education. The prize is given to an instructor who has managed to make teaching inspiring, comprehensible, and engaging. By nominating an instructor, you help highlight their efforts and encourage continued high quality in teaching.

Nominate an instructor today and help recognise the finest teaching talents!

When is the prize awarded?

The prize is awarded annually in the summer and reflects the recently concluded academic year.

How do I nominate an instructor?

Throughout the semester, you can continuously nominate candidates for the prize.

Use the QR code at the CFO room or the nomination form, where you will have to enter the following information:

  • Your SDU email
  • Name of the instructor
  • Course title
  • Reason for your nomination

It is crucial that you describe why you find the teaching inspiring.

We look forward to receiving your nomination.

Who can I nominate?

You can nominate any instructor for any course you attend; this may include senior students, PhD fellows, or technical-administrative staff.

You cannot nominate professors or other course-responsible teachers.  They can, however, be nominated for the Faculty of Science Teaching Prize. 


The winner is selected by the department teaching committee based on the submitted nominations. The quality of the nominations is decisive, not the quantity.

All nominated instructors will be informed that they have been nominated, but the winner will only be announced at the award ceremony itself.


The winner will receives diploma and a challenge cup.

Other qualified nominees will also receive a diploma.

Go to the nomination form (in Danish)

Last Updated 30.05.2024