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Allocation of places

How we allocate exchange places

Our goal is to give as many students as possible the opportunity to study abroad. We usually have places and grants for all.

Often, however, the demand for places is not equal to the actual offer. Many students tend to apply for the same few places although we have hundreds of exchange places. We  strongly recommend that you apply for more than one place if your first priority is a place that is popular among other students. We always try to comply with your wishes, but to have a better chance of going abroad, make sure you have one or more "back-up" places.

All incoming applications are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Minimum requirements
  • Grade point average
  • ECTS load abroad
  • Previous exchanges
  • Special needs/requirements
  • Request to go together with one or more fellow students

Minimum requirements

  • You must have passed 30 ECTS at SDU or another university to apply for an exchange place (if you are a 1. semester bachelor student you can apply during your second semester).

  • You must have a grade point average of minimum 2.0. 


Grade point average score

We rank applicants according to grade point average.

The score is calculated by using either:

  • grades obtained at SDU (if available)
  • grades obtained at SDU in combination with grades from your bachelor’s degree/high school diploma
  • grades from your bachelor’s degree/high school diploma (if no SDU grades are available)

If you have the grade U/absence from an exam it counts as -3.

International grades are converted to equivalent Danish grades in order to compare all applicants.

When we allocate the places, we start with the applicant with the highest grade point average score and assess whether his/her priorities are possible. Then we move on to the applicant with the second-highest score and so on.

Please note that some overseas exchange partners have a minimum grade average for accepting students.


ECTS load abroad

We aim to make optimum use of our exchange places. We therefore expect that you take a full semester load abroad (ideally credit transfer equivalent to 30 ECTS, but we accept 25 ECTS) to obtain an exchange place.

If you intend to obtain less than 25 ECTS, you can still apply for an exchange place. However, you will need to inform us about your reasons for not carrying out a full credit transfer.

For example, your curriculum (studieordning) might only permit credit transfer of 20 ECTS from abroad, which means that you will have to follow a course at SDU while being abroad.

We do reserve the right to reject applications or later withdraw exchange place offers if you have given incorrect information or if you do not have a valid reason for taking less than 25 ECTS. So please always confer with us in case there are changes to your study plans.


Previous exchanges

If you have previously been on exchange, you may be given a lower priority (regardless of your grade point average score) if other students apply for the same place.


Special needs/requirements

Other, specific requirements may apply from e.g. the Erasmus+ programme, the partner university, general study requirements etc.

Please note that a nomination from SDU is not a guarantee that you will be admitted to the host university. All partner universities reserve the right to assess exchange applicants on their own.


Going with fellow students

If you and one or more fellow students have requested to go together to the same exchange destination, we will evaluate your applications based on the lowest grade point average (GPA) among the group. This means that if one student has a GPA of 6 and another has a GPA of 8, both applications will be assessed with a GPA of 6.


Exchange place offer

When we have assessed all applications  you will receive our  decision on your application to your student e-mail address. The offers are usually sent out 4-6 weeks after the application deadline.

If you are offered an exchange place, you will need to actively accept this offer – or decline if you don’t want to go abroad after all. If you decline the exchange place offer, you will be able to re-apply for a new place in the same academic year in the next application rounds. If you accept the offer and later decide to cancel, you will not be able to re-apply for a new place in the same academic year.

After this, we will contact the host university and nominate you as an exchange student to the partner university. You will then need to apply for admission at the host university. Please note that a nomination from SDU is not a guarantee that you will be admitted at the host university.

Later we will send you an e-mail with information about your grant.

Last Updated 07.02.2024