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Active Enrollment Requirements and Maximum Period of Study

Active Enrollment Requirements refer to how many ECTS points you must have passed in order to stay enrolled. Maximum period of study refers to how much time you have to complete your degree programme.

Active Enrolment Requirements: Pass at least one exam per year
You must pass at least one exam per year. This means that you, after your first year of study, at any given point in time must have passed at least one exam in the preceding year. If you have not, you will be withdrawn from your programme. The Study Start Test does not count as a passed exam.

Maximum Period of Study
There is no limit to how long you may take to complete your programme. This means that you only have to meet the Active Enrollment Requirements.

If things do not go according to plan
If, due to exeptional circumstances, you are not able to meet the Active Enrollment Requirements, you may apply for exemption from the rule.

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Last Updated 03.11.2023