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Hendrik Langer, Germany, studied at SDU Esbjerg

"I really liked the environment at SDU and in Denmark in general. The people are really friendly and helpful if you have questions and the facilities at SDU are always open for students that want to study. The relationship between students and teachers is also very pleasant because the learning approach is much more based on student input than in other universities.
For me personally the exchange semester has been the best semester in my life. I made new friends, experienced a lot about Danish/Scandinavian Culture and language (I also made a trip to see the Northern lights in Norway Amazing!) and had the possibility to study at a university that doesn’t only have great teachers and facilities but is also academically challenging."

"My time at SDU helped me to develop myself academically and personally further. I met amazing people from all over the world and was welcomed into an open and kind environment at the university and in Denmark overall. The experiences that I've gained during my studies shaped me a lot and I'm happy that I decided to come here."

Jasmin Nicklas, Germany

Laura Pelzmann, Germany, studied at SDU Sønderborg

"Studying at SDU Sønderborg has given me lots of opportunities to get to know people from other cultures, which has led to many new friends from other countries. By working together with other international students on a daily basis I have learned to be more open-minded as well as flexible. Facing different cultures every day has changed my view of the world.”


Julia Eggert, Germany, studied at SDU Esbjerg

"All in all I can say that I had the best time of my life here. I made so many new friends from all over the world, I gained so many new cultural insights, I learned a new language and experienced so many new things. I love this university, as it offers a very modern study environment, a great study support and many events. The people are so friendly, helpful and supportive. I learned a lot about myself as well."

"Studying in Denmark is much better than I had expected. The facilities and services provided to the students here are of the highest quality and in a significant quantity. Apart from the studies there are a lot of extracurricular activities, which help international students to integrate quickly into the local community."

Tihomir Yonkov Sabchev, Bulgaria, Studied at SDU Odense

Last Updated 02.09.2024