Read, listen, see and learn about planning
When planning your semester, you must:
- Define your major and intermediate milestones throughout the semester
- Estimate the time spent between each milestone
- Fill out a semester calendar with your milestones
Get a pdf wich in 6 steps explanes how to plan a semester.
You plan your week by;
- Fill out a weekly calendar with weekly set milestones
- Fill in the weekly calendar with your leisure activities
- Plan your study activities in the weekly calendar
- Schedule buffer time in the weekly calendar
If necessary, make a semester plan first, as it can help you with the weekly planning.
You plan your study day by;
- First, define your realistic goals for today's studies
- Next, plan learning activities that lead to your goals
- Now plan your break activities
- Find a timer to time both your work time and that break time
- End the day by evaluating your activities and make a preliminary daily schedule for the next day's studies
Plan your goals so that they are "SMART" and use the pomodoro technique to manage your day with.