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Events on job search

Below, you can see our events for the next couple of months. If there are no events listed, it is because we have no more scheduled for this semester. We plan new events before the beginning of each semester, so make sure to come back and sign up. 

Click on the link, log in with your SDU credentials and sign up. We look forward to seeing you! 

  • How to write a great application and resume

    When: 11.March   at 14:00 - 15:30

    Language: English

    A well-composed and written application and resume is the quickest way to convince a possible employer why you should be the one to get the interview. But you are maybe wondering, what makes a good application and a strong resume?

  • Student Collaboration Day

    Where: Sønderborg, Campus

    When: 25.March   at 14:00 - 17:00

    Language: English,Dansk

    At the career fair "Student Collaboration Day” in Sønderborg, you get to meet 50 companies open to collaborate with students. The participating companies and organizations will bring specific ads/open positions and collaboration opportunities.

  • Sådan skriver du en god ansøgning og et godt CV

    When: 22.April   at 14:00 - 15:30

    Language: Dansk

    En velkomponeret ansøgning og et skarpt CV kan være udslagsgivende i jobsøgningen. Det kan overbevise arbejdsgiveren om, at du er den helt rigtige til stillingen og derfor også lander jobbet. Men hvordan skriver man en god ansøgning og et skarpt CV?

  • How to approach a Ph.D.

    When: 24.April   at 13:45 - 16:00

    Language: English

    In this course you will be equipped with a lot of relevant knowledge about the Ph.D. path. Among other things, you will get info about what everyday life looks like.

  • SDU Studiejob- og praktikmesse

    Where: Odense, Campustorvet

    When: 30.April   at 10:00 - 12:30

    Language: Dansk

    Til karrieremessen på SDU har du muligheden for at møde regionale virksomheder, der er interesserede i at samarbejde med og ansætte studerende og nyuddannede.

  • Pop-up presentation: available jobs (part-time/full-time)

    Where: Odense, Zone E

    When: 07.May   at 10:00 - 12:30

    Language: Dansk,English

    Meet business consultants from Odense Municipality who have current job opportunities for both students and soon-to-be graduates.

Everything you need to know about job search

Read about how you apply for jobs and prepare yourself well for searching for jobs.

Read more

Find your new boss in SDU's job bank

Se job ads from companies looking for you.

Go to job bank

Last Updated 07.02.2024