Get an intro to itslearning and the most important functionalities for you
To help you get a good start we invite you to an itslearning-webinar for you and your fellow students. Sign up via one of the links below on the day that suits you best.
What are the key takeaways?
The webinar gives you an introduction to itslearning with a focus on the most important functionalities for you as a student, including:
- Plans, where you can see what you need to do before, during and after the lessons.
- itslearning's messaging system, where you can write with your fellow students, teachers, etc.
- Project room, where you can collaborate with your fellow students, e.g. the study group, the party committee, etc.
Where can you find more information?
Please find help and instructions for itslearning at You can also download the itslearning app from here.
Overview of webinars - sign up for the day that suits you best!
Tuesday, February 2nd 10.00-10.45AM (in Danish)
Wednesday, February 3rd 12.00-12.45PM Danish)
Thursday, February 4th 14.00-14.45 PM Danish)
Tuesday, February 9th14.00-14.45 PM English)
Wednesday, February 10th 12.00-12.45 PM English)
Thursday, February 11th 11.00-11.45 AM (in English)
Are you currently only missing your master thesis, attendance is not necessary.