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Student Activity Support Pool at SDU

Do you or your association have a great idea for an initiative that can help promote the study environment and well-being at SDU?

Purpose of the activity support pool

The Rectorate of SDU has earmarked funding for activity support, which can be applied for by all students and student associations at SDU. If you have a good idea, now’s your chance to make your mark on the University’s efforts towards study environments and well-being.

The funding pool of DKK 1 million annually allows SDU to support projects that contribute to supporting good university life. The funding pool is divided into four portions of DKK 250,000 that can be distributed per quarter. It is a clear priority that initiatives should be student-based, meaning that they must be developed and led by students, for students.

We look forward to reading your ideas.


Want to know more? Write to

Good to know

The Student Activity Support Pool runs from September 2024 to August 2027.

The application process will be evaluated after the first semester of 2024.


If you have a great idea for an initiative, please don’t hesitate to send an application. To apply, use the application form here (opens i a new tab). You must be logged in with your SDU user account to access the application form and submit your application for activity support.

If you have any questions about the application process, please write us at

Application deadline

You can submit applications on an ongoing basis. Case processing time on applications will be a maximum of 15 working days. Please note that applications are not processed in July.

Assessment of applications

A committee composed of staff employed by Student Services as well as a student representative will assess the applications received based on the application criteria. The criteria will be applied in non-priority order. Applications for funding exceeding DKK 100,000 must be approved by the Pro-rector.

Once your application has been processed, we will contact you at the email address you have provided for the project coordinator.

The committee reserves the right to reject or defer applications from associations or students who have previously received activity support.

Disbursement of grants

The funds are disbursed on an ongoing basis as a credit facility of SDU. This means that the funds cannot be disbursed as a direct financial contribution, but that the allocated funds are used by SDU paying the expenditure for which funding has been granted. 

The funding pool of DKK 1 million will be divided into four portions of DKK 250,000 per quarter. Any unused funds will be transferred to the next quarter within the project period. Any unused funds will not be transferred to the new calendar year.

We evaluate the applications received on the basis of a number of fixed criteria.

In order to be considered for activity support, the application must indicate how the initiative is envisaged in relation to the criteria listed below.

Explain how the initiative contributes to improving the study environment for students at SDU. Please share your thoughts and suggestions on how the initiative can be organised so that it also has a positive impact on the study environment in the long term. If relevant to the application, please include objectives and success criteria – such as the minimum number of participants you expect to attend the event.
Describe the target audience for the initiative. The primary target audience should be students at SDU, but please specify in more detail whether the initiative is, for example, linked to a particular profession, interest, or perhaps targeted at a group of students who you believe lack an offer at SDU.
Initiatives may target an academic segment, such as specific programmes, departments or faculties, but they must be open to all students at SDU who would like to participate – without discrimination or exclusion.
Include a budget indicating both the overall financial framework of the initiative and the planned use of the activity support funds.
Describe how you plan to tell your fellow students at SDU about the initiative/activity. The application must include a communication plan.
Describe in the application how and in what form the activity will be evaluated after completion.

Events must also comply with SDU’s declaration on freedom of research, teaching and freedom of debate and expression (opens i a new tab), and comply with SDU’s rules for borrowing and rental of premises at the University of Southern Denmark (opens i a new tab).

Funding is not provided for the following:

  • Intoxicants
  • Parties without any other academic or social content
  • Salary payment (excluding fees for CVR registered presenters and the like)
  • Administration
  • Deficit coverage
  • Fixed recurring expenses
  • Passing on funding to associations and/or organisations outside SDU – including charitable purposes (however, funds may be used in collaboration with external parties)
  • Support for entrepreneurship

To apply, use the application form here (opens in a new tab).

You must be logged in with your SDU user account to access the application form and submit your application for activity support.

If you have any questions about the application process, please write us at

Submit attachments via this form (opens in a new window)

You must be logged in with your SDU user account to access the link and submit attachments.

Has your student association received funds from the Student Activity Support Pool? Use the form to submit the necessary information and attachments so that SDU can pay for the goods or services you have purchased with your grant.

Here's how:

  1. Attach the order confirmation or a copy of the invoice from the supplier.
  2. Fill in information about the supplier's name, invoice amount, project ID number, your name, and your email address.
  3. If catering has been purchased, you must also attach a participant list with the name and email address of each participant.

Important: The EAN invoice must be sent directly to SDU by the supplier.

For more information, see "Instructions - Use of funds from the Student Pool," which you received with the application.
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us at