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Cancellation of exam registration

If you cancel your registration for a class or course within the first 21 days after semester start, you are also automatically deregistered from the exam.

If you don't cancel your registration within the first 21 days, you use an exam attempt – even if you do not show up for the exam.

Apply to be deregistered from the exam

You can apply to your board of studies for permission to cancel your registration for ordinary exams or teaching after the first 21 days if unusual circumstance makes this necessary.

Unusual circumstances include illness, death in the immediate family or sudden worsening of chronic illness.

Work, holidays, etc. are not considered unusual circumstances.

Deregistration from re-exam

You can cancel your registration from a re-exam that you have registered for yourself until 14 days before it takes place. You can do this via SDU Student Self-Service.

Go to the SDU Student Self-Service.

In most cases, you can withdraw from courses and ordinary exams SDU Student Self Service  

  • By 21st September for autumn semester courses, and  
  • By 21st February for spring semester courses.  

Withdrawals after these dates require a dispensation from the Academic Study Board.  

Please note that registration for some courses, such as summer schools, is binding. You cannot withdraw from these courses and exams without a dispensation from the Academic Study Board.  

If you wish to withdraw from a reexam, you can do so via SDU Student Self Service up to two weeks before the reexam date. Withdrawals after this period require a dispensation from the Academic Study Board

If you are certain that you will not participate in an exam you are registered for, it is important to inform the examiner and exam administrator via e-mail, so that they can plan accordingly.

To be entitled for a dispensation for withdrawal from an exam, you must not have participated in the exam.

Use the application form TECH Application for Exemption from the Deadline for registration or De-registration for Courses in order to apply for a dispensation for withdrawal from exams on engineering programmes. . 

If you withdraw from a course and its ordinary exam or reexam, you can register for the course the next time it is offered, usually a year later.

It is the practice of the Academic Study Board to grant dispensation for withdrawal from tuition and examinations in situations with the student's documented, serious illness, or documented, serious illness in the immediate family as well as comparable, documented personal circumstances that have prevented the student from completing their studies. The time-wise causality must be documented for.

Contact your education program.

Last Updated 29.08.2024