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College of Europe

Courses are taught by high-profile researchers, government officials, politician and other actors from “the real world”.

The College of Europe in Brügge was established in 1949 with the purpose of educate university students within societal issues, economics and governance in a European perspective. The stay is comprised of one year of studies in administration, economics or law according to your choice. Teaching languages are French and English. One year of studies, incl. travel and living expenses, tuition, materials etc. costs roughly 150.000-165.000 DKK.


The Danish Committee have 5 Danish state scholarships for the College of Europe in Brügge. Furthermore it is possible to receive SU during the stay.

Applications are due mid-January, and interviews are expected to be held in the middle of March. 3-5 Danish students can expect to be accepted. Studies commence in September.

For more information and advice related to the above, please contact:

Den Danske Komité for Europakollegiet i Brügge, c/o Europarådets Informationstjeneste, Bremerholm 8, 1069 København K, telf. 33 14 15 84.

Last Updated 07.02.2024