You can see your schedule under the calendar/calendar tab in itslearning. Your schedule for the fall semester will be ready in early August and your schedule for the spring semester will be ready in early January.
For each programme, a comprehensive curriculum is also made, where you can get an overview of your semester with teaching hours and teachers.
Find out more in the course descriptions
When you have to register for courses for the coming semester, you may need to find information about the courses' content, examination form and teaching time.
All information is gathered in the course description under offered courses.
Semesters and holidays
Semester course
Spring semester: Start 1 February
Autumn semester: Start September 1
(Formally, the semester starts here, but in your schedule you can see your first class).
Holiday periods
Easter holiday: From and including Tuesday before Easter until and including the 2nd day of Easter (Monday).
Pentecost holiday: Includes only the regular public holidays.
Summer vacation: July
Autumn holidays: Week 42
Christmas holidays: No tuition and exams from December 24-1. January (both incl.)