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Innovation Management

Integrative Innovation Management

Questions about the topics within the subject area of Innovation Management should be directed to: René Chester Goduscheidt, Department of Marketing and Management, e-mail: 


Open Innovation (can be written in Danish or English)

When firms develop a new product, they often use open innovation. Open innovation projects are when firms invite one or multiple partners to join the innovation project.  Both private and public firms apply open innovation, and partners can include customers, suppliers, users, and/or other associates such as universities and Governmental Technology Offices (GTO’s). Who to involve? What are the motives, challenges and barriers for firm(s) in relation to open innovation? How to organize open innovation projects?  Are there different strategies for public and private firms? 


Eco-innovation and circular economy (can be written in Danish or English)

Eco-innovation, sustainability, and the circular economy are hot topics. All firms increasing face demands to focus on the environment, re-use resources, and operate in a sustainable manner. What are the motives and barriers for firms to engage in these activities? How can they organize to take advantage of eco-innovation opportunities?  How to marketing eco-friendly product? Eco-innovation projects often happen in collaboration with multiple firms and partners, other questions are how to involve partners, and how to deal with collaboration and relationships?


Innovation and marketing (can be written in Danish or English)

Innovation and marketing are often integrated. Examples of questions to investigate include: How can firms involve customers in innovation projects (e.g. new products)? What types of knowledge is relevant from the customers and how to collect it? What is the innovation process for developing new products? What are lead-users and when and how should firms involve such stakeholders?


Disruptive innovation (can be written in Danish or English)

Researchers, firms, and the media talk and write a lot about the topic of disruptive innovation.  A starting point for a project is: What exactly is meant by ‘disruptive innovation’?  Which firms (and which types of firms) have introduced disruptive innovation? How can firms ’think’ disruptively?


Big Data (can be written in Danish or English)

Big Data analytics has emerged as the driving force behind critical business decisions. Generally the role of Big Data is growing within the characterization and understanding of firms’ behavior. Advances in our ability to collect, store, and process different kinds of data from traditionally unconnected and unstructured sources enables us to answer massively complex, data-driven questions in ways that have never been possible before. Relevant questions to investigate include: “How can firms and public institutions apply Big Data?” “How can Big Data help firms to predict future sales?” and “How can mobile technology be used to collect data?”


Last Updated 01.02.2018