After completing a Bachelor degree in clinical biomechanics, the Bachelor can:
(a) The field of knowledge
- State and analyse the structure of the body
- Demonstrate knowledge about health promotion, prevention of disease and rehabilitation
- Demonstrate detailed knowledge about the normal function of the musculoskeletal system
(b) Understanding and reflection
- State and analyse the function of the body
- Analyse genetic, molecular, cellular and physiological processes regulating and maintaining the normal function of the body
- Analyse biological variations and processes which characterises a life cycle and gender
- Analyse outside factors which can influence the human organism and what possible reactions there are
- Analyse human behaviour and patterns of reactions from a biological, psychological, social, cultural and ethnic context
- Analyse altered structure and function of the body and the most significant organ systems in different states of disease
- Demonstrate scientific curiosity and be critical and reflective to knowledge and assumptions
(a) Type of skills
- Demonstrate clinical skills in history taking, clinical examination and formulating a management plan
- Demonstrate basic psychomotor skills necessary for chiropractic manipulative skills
- Execute a thorough physical examination of the spinal column
- Execute a basic chiropractic manual treatment
(b) Appraisal and decision
- Interpret scientific literature, ask questions and make conclusions based on findings
- Demonstrate basic diagnostic skills of conditions related to the spinal column
- Apply scientific method when analysing, assessing and interpreting the methods and principles used to form diagnoses, treatments and interventions
(c) Communication
- Use medical guidelines to search for and communicate knowledge
(a) Space for action
- Identify and analyse ethical issues
- Demonstrate appropriate behaviour when dealing with patients and collaborate with colleagues and other health care personnel
- Demonstrate abilities to formulate personal learning goals and competencies