Why have you chosen to run?
I am running for the study board for medicine on the medical council's list, where I am also an active member of the board. Collectively, we in the medical council share the same common visions.
We want to represent all medical students regardless of political orientation. Through our association, Medicinerrådet Odense, we regularly collect opinions/wishes from the medical students. Thus, we believe that we can represent broadly and fairly.
Is there a specific cause you want to fight for if you are elected?
We fight for the students' cause and not for our own individual opinions. We consult with the different year groups and gather information, which has resulted in us, for example, fighting for:
- Maintaining the quality of education during budget cuts at SDU
- Ensuring that New SUND has a good study environment
- Ensuring that medical students can identify with studying at New SUND
What can be expected from you as a student representative?
If we are elected, we will continue to fight for all medical students through the study board. When our candidates through Medicinerrådet hear about various issues in the study, we will bring these issues to the study board, and in this way, we are a voice from you to the faculty. New SUND and the quality of education are of high priority.