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That's why your vote matters

‘Last year, some new exam rules were made which were very unfair and quite absurd, to put it bluntly! I brought it up, and I think it was a contributing factor to the rules being changed.’
- Frederikke, Department Council for the Department of Mechanics and Electronics

‘I have helped to retain the bachelor’s defence at IVK for as long as possible.’
- Simon, Board of Studies for IVK

‘We helped introduce three guidelines for the use of MCQ exams, as they have been used quite inappropriately on our study programme.’
- Anna, Board of Studies for Political Science.

‘I have helped create specialisations on our master’s programme, so that it is possible to get a more specific profile after the programme.’
- Ida, Board of Studies for Sports and Health.

‘I have introduced a study start for the part-time students and generally brought more focus to the target group of part-time students.’
- Michael, Board of Studies for Law

‘The extension of extra preparation time for oral exams from 50% to 100%. That’s the starting point for both dyslexia and psychological challenges in connection with exams.’
- Pia, Board of Studies for History

Last Updated 01.11.2022