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Exemptions require exceptional cirmunstances

As a rule, you can apply for an exemption if you have one or more exceptional circumstances that restrict you from complying with the rule that apply to you. Exceptional circumstances may be characterised as circumstances that are beyond your control or not your fault.

Examples of exceptional circumstances:

  • You are or have been affected by personal illness
  • Illness or death in close family
  • Functional impairment (e.g. dyslexia)

The following circumstances are also characterised as being exceptional:

  • Maternity/Paternity leave
  • Public duty as assessor or juror
  • Military service

Examples of circumstances that are not normally considered as being exceptional:

  • Holidays
  • Work
  • Financial difficulties
  • Housing problems
  • Bus delays on the day of your exam

Exemption can also be granted due to academic circumstances

You may also be in a situation, where it is necessary to apply for an exemption due to academic circumstances. For example, you may have two exams at the same time and therefore need to move one of them.

When applying for an exemption, you must substantiate what you believe are the reasons for granting you an exemption from the general rules.

When applying due to academic circumstances

If your application refers to academic circumstances, please explain these thoroughly.

When applying due to exceptional circumstances 

If your application refers to one or more exceptional circumstances - see section 1, explain the exceptional circumstance/s and document it/them, e.g. by supplying a doctor's note - see section 3.

Contents of a good explanation - exceptional circumstances

  1. Describe one or more exceptional circumstances. In other words, circumstances beyond your control or that are not your fault.
  2. Describe why the circumstances are beyond your control. The exceptional circumstances cannot be something you could have avoided by normal circumspection.
  3. Describe how the exceptional circumstances have been crucial for your ability to comply with the rule/rules for which you are seeking exemption.

Your task is to describe the exceptional circumstances in such a way that the study board is provided with the best possible basis for assessing your case.


As a rule, you should be able to document the exceptional circumstances by, e.g. a note from your doctor. See the checklist in section 3 for what should be included in your note from your doctor.

Consider attaching an individual study plan

If you are applying for an exemption from the Active Enrolment Requirements, you must attach an individual study plan. An individual study plan is a plan describing when you plan to take the remaining subjects/courses of your education. There may also be other cases where it is a good idea to attach a study plan.

The information provided in the doctor’s note will influence how the Study Board assesses your application. The following checklist covers what information the Study Board considers to be of importance when processing your application, i.e. information that is helpful to have in your doctor’s note.

  1. The doctor's note must clearly state that you were or are still ill.

    The note should reflect that your doctor has assessed that you were or are still ill, that you had or still have an illness, or that you were or still are absent owing to illness. The note does not have to specify the illness. It is not necessary to include medical records, etc. to document the information contained in the doctor’s note either.

  2. The doctor's note must specify, how your illness is relevant to your application for an exemption.

    Your doctor must show this by explaining how, due to your illness, you have not been able to/cannot participate in study activities, have reduced ability to concentrate or something similar.

  3. The doctor's note must state the time frame for when you were/are ill.

    You must state whether your illness is likely to be temporary or permanent. For temporary illness, you must state the expected start and end date of the period of illness. If possible, the note should state whether the illness has caused you to be on long-term or part time sick leave.

  4. Also regarding sudden illness, you should consult with your doctor during your period of illness.

    Regardless if you become ill long-term or acutely during your period of study, it's a good idea to consult with your doctor to optain a doctor's note, documenting your illness and how it has impacted your ability to study. By doing this, you ensure that you have the proper documentation if you need to apply for an exemption at a later time, e.g. from the Active Enrolment Requirements or Maximum Period of Study

You apply for exemption with the Study Board using SPOC. Send your application no later than 7 days before the meeting, where you would like your application to be processed.

See when your Study Board have their next meeting.

If you are applying for more than one thing

If you applying for more than one thing, you must fill out more forms. If you are applying, e.g. for an extra examination attempt, as well as a postponement of a deadline, you must submit two forms.


Remember to attach the relevant documentation to your application. It’s a good idea to write that you will submit the documents at a later date if you do not have them at the time of application. If you have several documents/attachments, it is a good idea to collect them as one file.

The Study Board will decide on you application

The Study Board will assess, whether or not they will grant you an exemption. When the Study Board has processed your application, you will be notified via. your Student E-mail within 14 days after the meeting.

Situations where you might need exemptions

If you, e.g. are subject to an illness during a semester, you can apply to cancel your registration the course and thus also the upcoming exam. You may also be granted an exemption from a course registration due to other exceptional circumstances. The exceptional circumstances must be documented by, e.g. a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account for your exceptional circumstances.

You must apply via SPOC, using the following form: Application for withdrawal from courses or examinations

As a rule, you have 3 attempts to pass your exams. Failing or being absent from the exam counts as one attempt.

You can apply for exemption
If you have used your examination attempts, you can apply for an exemption for a 4th examination attempt. You cannot continue with your education programme if you are not granted an exemption for your 4th attempt. As a rule, you must have one or more exceptional circumstances in order to qualify for an exemption. The exceptional circumstances must be documented by, e.g. a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account of your exceptional circumstances.

How to apply
You must apply via. SPOC, using the following form : Application for further examination attempts

Read more about the rule for examinations.


If you do not pass at least one exam per year, you cannot continue your programme.

You can apply for exemption
As a rule, you should apply for an exemption from the active enrolment requirements when you have failed to fulfil the requirement and are eligible to be withdrawn from your education (you should not normally apply in advance therefore). You should attach an individual study plan with your application, describing when you plan to take the remaining courses of your education programme.

Do you have a permanent disability that impairs your ability to study?
If you know that you are unable to study full-time due to a permanent disability or functional impairment, you may apply for an exemption from the active enrolment requirements in advance. Your application must contain a description of how many ECTS you expect to pass each semester.

You must be able to document the exceptional circumstances that prevent you from studying on a full-time basis, e.g. by attaching a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account of your exceptional circumstances.

How to apply
You must apply via. SPOC, using the following form: Application for exemption from the study activity requirement

There is a time limit on how much time you may use to complete your education programme.

You can apply for exemption
If you cannot complete your education programme within the maximum period of study, you must apply for an exemption from the requirements. You cannot complete your education programme if are not granted exemption. As a rule, you must have one or more exceptional circumstances in order to qualify for an exemption.

The exceptional circumstances must be documented by, e.g. a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account of your exceptional circumstances.

How to apply
You must apply via. SPOC, using the following form: Application for exemption from the time limit for completing your programme?

If you are to become a parent and wish to take parental leave from your study programme, you can either apply for parental leave or apply to your study board for parental leave dispensation.

Parental leave
Parental leave is for those who do not wish to attend classes or sit exams and who have access to forms of support other than SU, such as unemployment benefits. You can also combine leave and parental leave dispensation so that the total period of parental leave is one year. In this event, you should check with SU to see whether you are eligible for parental leave allowance vouchers. Read more about the rules for parental leave and how to apply

Dispensation for parental leave
Parental leave dispensations are a number of dispensations you can get in connection with parental leave. During the parental leave dispensation, you may attend classes and sit exams. You will be able to receive SU if you are eligible. Contact the SU office for more information.  
The types of dispensation you need depend on which stage you are at in your education. Typically, this could be postponing the deadline for passing the first-year exam, postponing the requirement to pass one exam per year, postponing the requirement to pass the programme or cancelling or postponing the deadline for submitting the master’s thesis. 

When can you get parental leave dispensation?
You can take parental leave to coincide with the due date – or you can start your parental leave up to one year after the due date.


  • The due date is 12 May. For example, you can apply for dispensation for parental leave in the spring and autumn semesters and start studies on 1 February the following year. 
  •  The due date is 22 June. For example, you can apply for dispensation for parental leave in the spring and autumn semesters and start studies on 1 February the following year. However, it can be advantageous to complete your exams before the due date and apply for parental leave dispensation in the autumn and spring semesters. Studies then start on 1 September the following year.
  • The due date is 12 May. Your partner is on parental leave in spring and autumn. You can apply for parental leave dispensation for the upcoming spring semester and the subsequent autumn semester
  • The due date is 17 September. Your partner is on parental leave in autumn and spring. You can apply for parental leave dispensation for the upcoming autumn and spring semesters.

How to apply 
Before you apply for parental leave dispensation, you should contact the student counselling service at the Humanities, which will help you draw up a study plan and get an overview of the necessary dispensations. When you have done this, you can apply for maternity leave dispensation. 

You must apply via. SPOC , using the following form: Application for parental leave.


You may find yourself in a situation where you need to change the conditions of your examination. This may be because you need, e.g.:

  • More time for the examination
  • To change the examination form
  • To write the examination assignment in English
  • To reduce the ECTS-weighting of a course to fit your education programme
  • To attend an examination in an earlier examination syllabus

You can apply for exemption
If you are having difficulty completing the examination under the normal examination conditions, you can apply for an exemption to have your examination changed. You can get an overview of the normal examination conditions for all courses in your programme in your curriculum.

As a rule, you must have one or more exceptional circumstances in order to be granted this type of exemption and the study board must also assess whether an exemption will affect the academic level of the examination. You must be able to document the exceptional circumstances, e.g. by supplying a doctor's note.

You can apply for special examination conditions for your entire course of study if you have a permanent or long-term disability
If you have a permanent or long-term disability (physical or mental), the board of studies can, following a specific assessment, approve that you receive special examination conditions that equate you with other students. This typically involves granting you more time for set written assignments or more preparation time for oral examinations. The special examination conditions can apply to your entire course of study or for the entire period during which you are deemed to have the disability. 

Documentation when applying for special examination conditions for your entire course of study
When applying to your board of studies for special conditions for your exam due to long-term conditions (e.g. illness, impairment or disability), you must enclose documentation of your condition. This may be a doctor's note, medical record from a hospital, investigation report, test for dyslexia or the like. If you submit a doctor’s note, it should include at least the following:

  • A diagnosis: It must be stated whether your condition is expected to pass over time (and if so, how long this will take), or whether your condition is permanent.
  • An individual and concrete assessment of how your condition affects your ability to study, e.g. in which situations you experience difficulties. If your condition has been known for a long time, your GP may want to base his/her assessment on how your condition has affected you thus far.

Deadline for applying for special examination conditions
For your dispensation to be valid for the upcoming examination period, you must apply no later than 1 November for the winter exams and 1 April for the summer exams.

If you would like to apply for special examination conditions for your entire course of study, you may apply as soon as you have been diagnosed with a disability. If you already have a disability when commencing your education programme, you can apply for special examination conditions as soon as you have accepted your student place.


How to apply
You must apply via. SPOC, using the following form: Application for special examination conditions.

You may find yourself in a situation where you need to postpone the deadline for an examination assignment or perhaps move it to another time.

You can apply for exemption

An exemption for a postponement of a deadline is normally only granted due to exceptional circumstances. This means that you must be able to document, e.g. illness for the period around the date of submission. It may be a good idea to apply to the study board for postponement of the deadline for the date of submission instead of reporting sick to Registration & Legality, especially in the case of longer, written assignments. It may however, also be possible to be granted an exemption due to academic reasons. This could be, e.g. if you need to go on a study trip during the time of your exam or if two of your exams fall on the same date.

You must be able to document the circumstances that you use as a basis for applying for exemption. Exceptional circumstances must be documented, e.g. by supplying a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account of your exceptional circumstances.

How to apply
You must apply via.SPOC, using the following form: Application for postponement of deadline.


There may also be other situations where you need to apply for an exemption.

Exceptional circumstances used to substantiate your application must be documented, e.g. by supplying a doctor's note. Other types of documentation can be used depending on the specific situation. You must also remember to provide a thorough account of your exceptional circumstances.

How to apply
You must apply via. SPOC, using the following form: Application for other types of exemption.




Apply for exemption

You are applying for exemption via SPOC.

go to SPOC

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Last Updated 03.11.2023