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Special exam conditions

Special exam conditions if you have a mental illness diagnosis or a physical disability. Of if you are dyslexic or dyscalculic

If you have a mental illness diagnosis or a physical disability, or are dyslexic or dyscalculic you can apply for special exam conditions. That means you can request to for the university to change the conditions for your exam - it could be an individual room, additional time for the exam, or something else.

The university can offer this when the university deems that it is necessary in order to place you on the same footing as others in the same exam situation. It is a condition that this offer does not lead to a change in the level of the examination.

Study board’s practice

It is the study board’s practice to offer a different exam form in the cases where a diagnosis or reduced functioning prevents participation in the exam form established in the course description. In this case, it is the study board’s practice to offer an exam form that is as close to the established as possible.

It is a precondition that the diagnosis or reduction of functioning is documented and that the test can be done individually. Contact your programme about when you need to apply by.


Last Updated 07.02.2024