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Job and Career

Studying in the field of Humanities typically does not qualify you for a certain type of job as is the case with nurses, policemen or teachers. Instead you acquire special competences that the job market demands.

Characteristics for students in the Humanities are that they

  • Have a strong analytical sense and the capacity to reflect over, systematize and structure tasks
  • Are good at working independently and take the initiative in problem solving
  • Are especially good at understanding and processing complex subject matters and conveying them in a way that makes it accessible to others.

Many types of jobs

As a graduate in the Humanities the options are many and you have the privilege of being able to have jobs in many different sectors. It may be in the private sector, public institutions, and organizations among others. The job titles on the job market for graduates in the Humanities may range from project manager to analyst and consultant among many others. The job title does not necessarily refer to your academic background but, naturally, you’ll be drawing on it in executing the job.

In other words, you may hold a job in all kinds of companies, organizations and sectors – all it takes is the need for an employee with your competences.

Last Updated 26.05.2021