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What to do if...?

I have completed part of a programme or just a single subject.
If that is the case, you must apply for starting credits. This means that you are applying to have previously passed subjects included in your new programme. In order to get starting credits, the subject/subjects you previously passed must correspond to the subjects on your current programme – both in terms of their subject matter, scope and academic level.

Apply for starting credits.

I have completed a programme
If you have completed your previous programme, you cannot apply for starting credits. You may, however, apply for credits.

Individual course of study
Getting starting credits or credits you will have semesters where you have less subjects You should consider whether you want to use that space to take some of the subjects that are scheduled for later in your programme. This may result in a reduction of the time needed to complete your programme.

Individual study plan
If you want to do the subjects in your programme in a different order than specified in the process model, it is a good idea to draw up a plan showing on which semester you are doing the various subjects. Find the subjects in your curriculum.

Get help to draw up your study plan from The Student Guidance Service.

If you are ill and cannot sit an examination, you must notify SDU of your condition.

I have become acutely ill
If you have become ill at the time of an examination, you must report in sick. Otherwise you will be registered as “absent” and will have used one of your 3 examination attempts. You must be able to document your illness, e.g. in the form of a  doctor's note. When you report in sick you’ll not use an examination attempt.

Registering for the re-exams

  • If you do not participate in the first examination attempt (ordinary exam), you must register for the second examination attempt (re-exam) yourself. If you are ill at the time of the re-exam, you must report in sick again.

I am suffering from prolonged illness
If you have suffered or are still suffering from prolonged illness (e.g. stress, depression etc.) and it affects your ability to study, you may apply for permission to not study actively or to take fewer subjects than required in the progression model. This is referred to as a dispensation.

What if I am lagging behind due to illness
There are a number of rules and regulations that you must be aware of, if you do not study full-time for a period of time. You may be exempt from the following rules and regulations in exceptional circumstances, such as illness:

If you cannot live up to these regulations and requirements, you may apply for a dispensation. As long as you live up to the regulations and requirements, you need not apply for a dispensation.

May I continue my studies even, if I miss an examination?
As a rule, you may continue your programme even if you miss the examination. However, there are some exceptions:

  • The subject(s) is/are part of the First-year Examination or the Study Start Test.
  • It is a precondition that you pass the subject in order to continue your programme.

If the subject is included in the First-Year Examination or the Study Start Test, it is important that you give the subject(s) in question high priority. The same applies if the subject is a precondition for your continued study. If you are unable to study actively, you must apply for dispensation (referred to as exemption) in order to continue your programme, if you cannot pass the First-Year examination, the Study Start Test or the precondition subjects within the deadline.

In your curriculum, you can see which subjects are included in the First-Year Examination and the Study Start Test and whether there are precondition subjects on your programme.

You may find yourself in situations that take your focus off of your studies for a period of time. Read more about how to deal with the various situations:

Illness and deaths in your immediate family..
may like your own illness be considered as exceptional circumstances, i.e. circumstances for which you are not to blame or over which you have no control. You may apply for permission to not study actively or to do  fewer subjects, i.e.  dispensation.

is not regarded as an exceptional circumstance and therefore does not give you the right to be exempt.

If you would like to work more for a period, you must be very clear in your prioritizations. Your study mentor or student advisor may help you prioritize.

Relationship problems, parents’ divorce, family problems, financial difficulties, difficult living conditions, illness and death of a distant family member..
are all examples of situations that may take up a lot of your time and energy, and therefore affect your studies. At the same time, however, they are also situations that may not necessarily be regarded as exceptional circumstances. I. e. it’s not certain that it’s justification enough to be granted exemption from your studies.

Documentation is needed
If you are able to produce documentation, like e.g. a doctor’s note, to confirm that your situation affects you to such an extent that you are unable to study, you may be eligible for dispensation (i.e. exemption). Attach the documentation to your application for exemption.

Individual study plan
If you are applying for a dispensation or are lagging behind, it may be a good idea to draw up an individual study plan which reflects how you expect to complete your study. Contact the academic student counselor if you need help in drawing up the plan.

Need help?
You can also get help to deal with your situation from the Counselling Centre or the Student Counselling Service.

Congratulations! Even if you are going to be a mother or a father, you are of course, entitled to maternity leave.

What should I do?
From September 1st 2016, you must In general pass subjects corresponding to 45 ECTS points in an academic year, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Childbirth and maternity leave are considered exceptional circumstances. When going on maternity leave, you will be exempt from the requirements. However, you are welcome to be active on your programme, if you feel you are up to it. You may do a course and pass the exam even though you are on leave. That way you may a bit ahead, and that may be an advantage for you later on in your programme.

When applying for maternity leave.

What do I do when I return from maternity leave?
When you resume to your study, it may be a good idea to draw up a plan for the remainder of your programme, i.e. what subjects you need to take and when. You can get help to create a study plan by using this study plan template. You may get help to create a study plan from The Student Guidance Service.

Additional SU
When you get a child while studying, you are entitled to additional SU, so you will be able to go on maternity leave.

Check or get in touch with the persons responsible for SU through Student Services, if you need further information or assistance concerning SU.

Read about what you need to be aware of when you fail an examination.

If you fail the first examination attempt (ordinary examination), you must register for the second examination attempt (re-examination) yourself. The re-examination is scheduled in February for the autumn semester and in August for the spring semester. The type of exam for the re-exam may differ from that of the ordinary exam. Check examination rules and regulations.

May I continue my programme even if I’m lagging behind?
In general, you may continue your programme, even though you fail an exam. You must pass the exam at a later time, and you have 3 examination attempts for each subject. However, there are rules and regulations that you need to be aware of, if you lag behind due to failed exams:

If you cannot live up to these regulations and requirements, you may apply for a dispensation. As long as you live up to the regulations and requirements, you need not apply for a dispensation.

If you need help, contact The Student Guidance Service.

See application forms for the various situations

Get help with the exam
The counseling Centre offers counselling concerning e.g. exam technique and exam anxiety. 

Good advice for the exams

Is it the right programme for me? Would another programme be better suited in view of my interests? If you have thoughts like these, it may be a good idea to talk to someone and figure out why you are having doubts.

You may contact the Counselling Centre or The Student Guidance Service if you need to talk to someone about your doubts.

Should you decide to change to another programme, you will most likely have to apply again and start over. If you want to start over on a new programme, it may be a good idea to continue your current programme until you know whether you have been admitted at the new programme. This way, you’ll be sure to remain on your current programme, if for some reason you are not admitted at the new one.

You my apply for credits
You may apply for credits if the new programme has subjects that correlate to the ones in your previous programme. Getting credits means that you‘ll be permitted to use some or all of the subjects that you passed before as part of your new programme. This way, you may be able reduce the completion time on your programme. Should you be admitted at the new programme, then you must apply for starting credit.

Please note, that if you continue on your current programme, until you are admitted at the new one, you ‘ll be using your SU that you cannot retrieve in order to use on your new programme.

Get help and guidance from The Counseling Centre or  the Student Guidance Service at the Humanities.

Do you feel that you are not thriving on your programme? If that is the case, it may be a good idea to find out why and to talk someone about the challenges you are faced with.

Get help and guidance from The counseling Centre or  the Student Guidance Service.

Some students consider taking a break from their study. There may be any number of reasons for doing so such as

  • Getting a temporary full-time job in a company or organization which is relevant to your programme
  • Needing a break from your programme
  • Wanting to travel, attending a folk high school, etc.

There are various ways of taking a break:

Leave of absence
It may be possible to apply for leave of absence. However, in order to be granted that you must be subject to exceptional circumstances (such as e.g. your being ill, or illness/deaths in the immediate family). Besides leave of absence is not always the right solution in a situation like that. You may instead apply for dispensation (exemption) to be exempt from the rules for a period of time.

Below we have explained the difference between leave of absence and exemption.

Leave of absence Exemption
SU Your SU will stop for the duration of your leave of absence. Your SU will continue
— even if you do not attend courses for a time.
Classes and examination You are not allowed to attend classes or sit examinations. You cannot get guidance from the lecturers. You may attend classes and sit examinations.

Read about for how long and when you can take a leave of absence.

Subjects may phase out and curricula may expire
Regardless of whether you take leave of absence or you have been granted exemption, you must be aware that the programmes are changed continuously. If you are absent from your studies on a long term basis, you run the risk of your remaining courses and examinations no longer being available – or that your curriculum has expired, in which case you’re required to transfer to the most recent curriculum. Talk to Student Guidance Service at the Humanities if you are considering taking a break from your studies.

Contact the Student Guidance Service at the Humanities, if  you need to take a break due to exceptional circumstances.

From the autumn semester 2016: Did you save up to take a break?
It is also possible to take a break from your programme without being subject to exceptional circumstances. You may actually save up ECTS to be used, should you feel the need to slow down on a later semester by registering for fewer or no courses. That is an option as long as you live up to the Active Enrollment Requirements.

Withdrawing from your programme is a big decision and should be considered very carefully. It may be a good idea to talk to your family, friends or a student counselor about your thoughts. You are welcome to ask for counseling.

Sometimes there may be other and better options than withdrawal available to you. For example, you may apply for dispensation (exemption) or take a leave of  absence.

Important conditions to know of before withdrawing
Before you finally decide to withdraw, we recommend that you check the rules concerning withdrawal.

Find the withdrawal form here.

I would like to enroll again?
If you have withdrawn from your programme and at some point in time would like to be re-enrolled on the same programme again, you must be aware of the rules for re-enrolment. You may, of course, apply for admission to a completely different programme, too. In that case you must apply through the coordinated admission (KOT).

See the procedure for admission and application form

SU and student accommodation
Please be aware that your SU will cease upon withdrawal. Contact SU at Student Service,if you are uncertain about the deadlines and so on.

To be eligible for student accommodation you are required to be studying actively. Ask your housing association, if you are in doubt about their rules.

It is not possible to start over on your programme. However, you may attend courses again in subjects that you previously failed. In other words, you may attend the course when it is available again. Keep in mind, however, that the examination attempts you have already used still count as part of the three examination attempts you have to pass each exam. Moreover, you cannot sit the exam again in a subjects that you have already passed, e.g. in order to get a higher grade.

Illness is the reason for my not passing the exams
If you do not pass any exams during your first year of your programme due to illness, you may attend the courses again the following year. However, you must apply for dispensation in order to avoid using examination attempts and exceeding the deadline for the First-year Examination. Also keep in mind the Active Enrollment Requirements and Maximum  period of Study - or to apply for exemption from them.

Contact The Student Guidance Service if you are considering to start over and to hear about your options.

In some cases it may be possible to start on your Master’s programme before having completed your Bachelor’s programme. However, there are certain criteria, which you must live up to. Please note that you may only register and pass exams weighting 30 ECTS on the Master’s programme before you have completed your Bachelor’s programme.

About starting on your Master's programme before having completed your Bachelor's programme.

What about my SU?
The SU for the Master’s programme will not be available to you until you have completed your Bachelor’s programme.

What about my legal claim?
To maintain your legal claim you need to start on the Master’s programme at the next study start after you have passed the final subject on your Bachelor’s programme.




Last Updated 26.08.2021