Why have you chosen to run?
My name is Julie Amalie Bruus Jensen, and I am running for the Academic Council in Humanities.
I am running because I want to be involved in deciding how the funds are distributed across the programs, and because I don't always think things are done properly as they are now. I like politics and am not afraid to stand at the forefront of changes to make SDU better for the students.
Is there a specific cause you want to fight for if you are elected?
Indeed, I do, and I actually have a few. One of my main issues is that the attendance requirement for programs should be removed, and I also want to introduce the recording of all lectures. I believe that students should be able to choose when they want to be at the university, but at the same time have the opportunity to keep up with the teaching even if the schedule does not necessarily allow it.
What can be expected from you as a student representative?
You can expect a hardworking woman who wants to achieve something good at the university. I will stand at the forefront to ensure that students can decide over their own study path, that it should be easier to be a student, and that one should feel that the university is working with them and not against them.
I hope for your vote on November 25-28.