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The most important Rules of your Study Programme

During your studies, you will encounter rules and procedures that you must adhere to as a student at SDU. It is important you read them thoroughly, as the university expects you to live up to them.

If you are close to exceeding or violating one or more of the applicable rules, and you want to continue on your study programme, you should contact your programme coordinator, who can provide counselling in which exemptions you should apply for.

The Academic Study Board may grant dispensation from the rules if it considers that there are exceptional circumstances.

When you start your programme, you must pass the compulsory study start test in connection with the beginning of the 1st semester. You have two attempts to pass the test.

You can read more about the exam and how to take it on this webpage and in the course description.

If you do not pass the exam before the specified deadline, you will automatically be expelled from your programme. If exceptional circumstances have prevented you from passing the study start test, you can apply The Academic Study Board for a dispensation by filling in the application form TECH Application of Exemption from the Deadlines on Your Study Programme.

The first-year examination is not just one examination but consists of a number of courses and their exams in your first year of study. Together, they are called the first-year exam.

At the Engineering Programmes, the first-year examination consists of all the courses on first semester as well as the 2nd semester project.

You are not entitled to three exam attempts in the first-year examination, but SDU offers three exams in the 1st semester courses in January, February and May, respectively. You are automatically registered for the ordinary exam in January, but you must register for the re-exams in February and May. Two exam attempts are offered in the 2nd semester project in resp. June and August. You must register for the re-examination yourself in August.

On the study programme of BSc (Eng) Physics and Technology, the first-year examination consists of the courses on the first semester only. The university offers three exam attempts in the 1st semester courses in January, February and August, respectively.

You will be automatically withdrawn from SDU if you do not completed all the exams that are included in your first-year examination, before the end of your 1st year of study. This applies regardless of whether you have used three exam attempts in all courses or not.

You can apply for a dispensation from the rules if exceptional circumstances have prevented you from passing the first-year examination, by submitting the application form TECH Application of Exemption from the Deadlines on Your Study Programme.

Maximum study period is a framework for when you, at the very latest, must have completed your study programme. If you have not completed your degree by the end of the set maximum study period, you will be automatically discharged from SDU. It is therefore important that you are aware of your deadline for programme completion.

For students enrolled after 1 September 2015, the following rules apply:

3-year bachelor's programs must be completed in the standard time + 1 year (i.e. 4 years)

3.5-year diploma engineering programs must be completed in the standard time + 1 year (i.e. 4½ years)

2-year master's programs must be completed in the standard time + ½ years (i.e. 2½ years)

You can apply for a dispensation from the rules if there are ecxceptional circumstances, or if you are an elite athlete, chairman of an association under the Danish Youth Council or an entrepreneur, by submitting the application form TECH Application of Exemption from the Deadlines on Your Study Programme

As a student at the Faculty of Engineering, you must be active in your studies. This means that you must complete and pass courses continuously. All study programmes are based on students passing courses corresponding to 60 ECTS points per year. It is the university's expectation that you, as a starting point, follow this standard.

If you are delayed, it is important that you pass at least one ECTS qualifying examination during a coherent period of at least one year. If you do not meet the requirement, you will be withdrawn from your study programme. You can apply for a dispensation from this rule if there are exceptional circumstances, or if you are an elite athlete, chairman of an association under the Danish Youth Council or an entrepreneur, by submitting the application form TECH Application of Exemption from the Deadlines on Your Study Programme.

You have, as a basic rule, three attempts to pass an exam. Once you have passed an exam, you cannot take it again to obtain a higher grade.

Absence from the exam and submitting a blank exam paper count as used exam attempts.

Once you have used an exam attempt in a course, regardless of whether you have participated in the exam or failed to attend it, you can in principle not replace the course in question with another course.

The Academic Study Board may grant dispensation for further examination attempts if exceptional circumstances prevented you from passing your examination. The study board does not relate to your academic ability in the assessment of your application. You can apply for extra examination attempts by submitting the application form TECH Application for Examination Attempts.

Please note that you only have two examination attempts in connection with the study start examination as well as supplementary courses in connection with conditional admission to the master's programmes. In addition, you are not entitled to three examination attempts in connection with the first-year examination on BSc and BEng programmes, cf. above.

If you have violated the above rules - regardless of whether you have been withdraw by SDU, or withdrawn yourself - you can not be resumed or enrolled on the same study programme, unless SDU considers that your prerequisites for completing the programme are significantly improved.

You will find more information about resumption and re-enrolment and re-admission on

  • re-enrolment and re-admission for bachelor (BSc) or bachelor of engineering (BEng) students
  • re-enrolment and re-admission for master's (MSc) students

  • When can you expect a response to your application?

    Read more here

    Apply for dispensation

    Apply here

    How we process your application

    Read more here

    Requirements for documentation

    Read more here

    Faculty of Engineering University of Southern Denmark

    • Campusvej 55
    • Odense M - 5230

    Last Updated 07.07.2022