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Students with citizenship from outside EU/EEA

Worth knowing if you are a student with citizenship from outside EU/EEA

Students who are citizens of non-EU/EEA countries and who hold a residence permit as a student in Denmark are obligated to inform the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment if they are taking a sabbatical leave. Since a student is not formally active in their studies during their period of leave, the Agency will determine whether the student can keep their residence permit as a student in Denmark during their period of leave.

As a rule, permission to stay in Denmark is only granted to those on maternity leave. If you wish to stay in Denmark during your maternity leave (or other form of leave), you must apply for this on your own at the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment.

SDU is obligated to inform the Agency of sabbatical leave taken by non-EU/EEA students. The University of Southern Denmark cannot apply to the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment Agency on your behalf in matters concerning your residence permit.

If you lose your student residence permit due to sabbatical leave, you must leave Denmark and apply from your home country for a new student residence permit in Denmark to be able to enter Denmark and resume your study programme after your sabbatical leave has ended.


Last Updated 05.12.2018