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Exam anxiety

It is natural to get nervous before an exam, but it should not affect you to such an extent that you are unable to prepare properly or participate in your exam.  

Exam anxiety can be many things, including:  

  • That ‘your mind goes blank’ 
  • Concentration difficulty  
  • Frustration, sadness and self-blame  
  • Sleeping difficulty  
  • Nausea, palpitations and rapid breathing  

The General Study Counselling at SDU have several offers for you. For example, you can have an individual talk about your exam experiences or take part in group sessions for students with exam anxiety. Exam anxiety is individual and can take many forms. Even if you don’t recognise any of the above examples, you may still have exam anxiety.  

Contact the General Study Counselling

Send an e-mail to
Phone 6550 1801 (Monday and Tuesdag from 10-12)

Last Updated 04.09.2024