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First-year exam

What is the “first-year exam”?

During your first year of study at the bachelor level, there are a number of exams which you are required to take as part of what is known as the first-year examination. The selected tests in the first-year examination collectively make up 30-60 ECTS point.

Each faculty decides how many ECTS points the first-year examination is worth at the faculty.

Before the end of the first study-year - i.e., before the 1st and 2nd semester’s examination period in the bachelor programme, you need to have passed the examinations that make up the first-year examination according to your programme regulations in order to be able to continue your education. 

It varies a lot from programme to programme, which and how many tests make up the first-year examination. You can see which exams are involved in in your programme regulations.


Requirements for the first-year examination

Time limit for passing examinations: You should be aware that the first-year examination needs to have been passed before the end of the second semester’s exam deadline. 

Number of attempts to pass the first-year examination: If, by the end of your first year of study, you have not passed the exams that constitute the first-year examination, your right to another examination attempt is annulled regardless of whether you have used all three examination attempts. It is therefore extremely important that you register for re-examination or a makeup exam immediately following the ordinary exam. Read more about the rules for registering for second and third exam attempt here.

Consequences: SDU will terminate your enrolment if you fail the first-year exam by the end of your first year of study.

It is therefore important that you understand the rules described here and consider your possibilities for action. The same applies if you have used all of your examination attempts. Please contact the counsellor for your course if you need guidance

Dispensation: The University can exempt students from the time limit for the first-year examination in the case of extraordinary circumstances. SDU can also allow additional attempts in the case of extraordinary circumstances. If you want to apply for an exemption from the time limit or additional examination attempts are subject to reasoned applications, addressed to the relevant academic study board, as it is the study board that will process your application. You can read more about dispensation and unusual circumstances here.


Last Updated 29.11.2018