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Breathe new life into study group meetings

There are a lot of reasons why it is a good idea to have a short break during a study group meeting. One of the reasons is that physical activity awakens the body, and the additional blood supply that the brain receives is beneficial for both concentration and learning.

A good laugh and a positive atmosphere makes you more active and happy. Spending 5 minutes laughing and engaging in physical activity during a meeting is worth it. It provides more mental energy to the meeting.

The purpose of this exercise is to breathe new life into the meetings and to shake up the mental and physical restlessness. 
1, 2, 3…11

Can you get to 11?
Stand in a circle and put your right hand towards the middle.
As in the game ‘rock-paper-scissors’ you now count “1, 2, 3, and 11” in unison. You each show a number of fingers when you say “11”. Count the number of fingers – did you get 11?

If you get the number 11 you may yell “wohoo”!
It might seem odd to yell “wohoo” the first couple of times but notice what it does for the energy when you get to yell a little bit.


Last Updated 03.07.2024